3 Posts of the week
Alex Wingent
Helping Businesses Save Money with Renewable Energy as a Service. Supporting Travel Consultants to have adventures and live purposefully.
Seaside walks
?Are you going round and round
?In ever-decreasing circles?
?Maybe you should get yourself a roundhouse!
?These are so close to the beach…
?You’ll be able to play Robinson Crusoe
?There’s something calming about being near the sea
?Gentle waves making their mark on the shoreline
?Time to let life wash over you
?Feel like I’m all awash with puns and anecdotes
?Don’t go sailing, you might get wet
?Go on, have an ice cream
?What do you like doing at the seaside?
Hybrid Cars
Will we ever let go of petrol and diesel?
Is there a best of both worlds?
There’s no doubt there are some clever hybrids with varying degrees of comfort and range.
I first saw this idea in Australia long before battery technology became a commercial possibility.
Those long distances between townships. Not just large gaps in civilization, but a distinct lack of fuel stops.
The utility vehicle was born. The Ute. Not only a place for a few tinnies but for extra fuel.
So how on earth has the humble battery found a place in this market when we know about their range, or lack there of?
Well, it’s all about managing short journeys and slow times.
That’s right, because there are so many of us blocking up the roads, slow travel isn’t great for fuel efficiency but is great for battery usage.
Switching between battery and normal fuel can transform a 35-per-mile car
into a 70-per-mile car. Clever technology sorts it all out.
But is it any more sustainable than one or the other on their own?
Yep, still just as many cars on the road.
Now, we have to maintain all these different fuel sources.
I thought this car thing was meant to get easier.
What does more going in than going out mean?
Are we so hooked that we can’t get out of the habit?
Are we running out of space?
I think it’s time to think outside the box on four wheels.
What do you think?
Travel Shows
If you think you know everything about travel
Don’t go to a travel show
Here’s some context you should know about
ITB Berlin The go-to place for the Travel Trade
A chance to visit a city and meet like-minded people
The travel industry has many shows for all kinds of reasons.
New products and services. New routes, new hotels.
Trends and what the future holds
What can we glean from these events?
They are big and show how complex the travel industry is
They are also specific. You need to know what you’re looking for
Having stood on the edge and amongst shows in many industries…
Even if you know who you’re looking for…Does anyone stand out?
You are a small boat in a vast ocean.
The question is
Will attending any of these shows lead you to get…
Paying customers?
Sure, if you are B2B
However, let’s not forget it’s customers that makes all this work
Let’s be blunt
Does the leisure or business traveller actually care who the suppliers are?
Really? I Doubt it.
When their choices are unlimited and opaque, who do they choose?
Some will DIY and the remainder choose a Travel Agency or Consultant.
Why will they choose you?
You are still on a boat on a vast ocean
To stand out is to be seen
To be chosen is to be different
?What are you prepared to do and to become
To receive the gift of paying customers?