Jayjit Dasgupta
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Webinars, online speaking opportunities and ‘virtual hangouts’ are the current rage in healthcare. This is not surprising given the disruption in the offline world following COVID-19. In fact, the Healthcare Events industry is reading the signs closely and pro-actively reinventing itself around newly laid down digital frameworks and protocols.
Virtual healthcare events offer an innovative and convenient channel for leaders to re-imagine their market and customer outreach activities. They offer a powerful way to underline one’s expertise in their chosen area, touch a much wider audience than a physical / offline event usually allows (and that too, at a far lower cost), and reach one’s thought leadership to a rich audience mix comprising both like-minded communities as well as inquisitive ‘outsiders’ from other sectors.
If you are a healthcare leader trying to explore this new arena, or trying to juggle invitations of participation in digital discussions from various forums and platforms, it may help to take out some time to understand the new trend from all angles, so that you can customize your digital strategy to create maximum impact and mileage.
3 things to consider before choosing your next online healthcare webinar speaking gig or digital panel discussion.
In a day and age where there is simply too much content happening everywhere, audiences and viewers are getting more and more choosy about where they want to spend their time. When you are considering a healthcare webinar invitation, you must factor this in. Not all healthcare media platforms and industry forums are created alike, and therefore may not be worth your stature, expertise area and time. Focus only on those that specialize in your own domain and have a viewer demographic profile (sector, specialization, role, hierarchy and geography) that resonates strongly with your own your professional journey.
We are living in a time of fast dwindling attention spans. Audiences and viewers with a ‘seen and heard it all’ attitude are harder than ever to attract and engage. In this scenario, you have to ensure that the topic and theme of the Healthcare Webinar or Healthcare Online Discussion is relevant to the TG (Target Audience), interesting (storifies angles and aspects audiences will warm up to) and delivered in a compelling manner (this is where the nous of the organizer or host comes into play – we discuss this in the next point). To decide a great subject or discussion topic, one must take a variety of components into consideration such as trend-study, audience-research, selection criteria of participating speakers, timing of the event, familiarity with the various stakeholders and developments of Healthcare, and so on). It calls for a certain level of initiation and experience which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some organizers, however, are flexible enough to accommodate the views of their guest participants in the matter of theme selection, and allows their speakers to suggest or co-create it. This flexibility is important, since it enriches the event with the ideas and inputs of domain specialists, and leads to more engaging digital experiences with richer learnings and takeaways for viewers.
Who is hosting your next online healthcare discussion or webinar? This is an area we reflexively tend to ignore or overlook, but shouldn’t. The expertise and attitude of the Moderator can influence the outcome of an online event in a big way. Some may argue it is the most important ingredient in the recipe. Veteran or talented Hosts have a way of setting the tone of the proceedings in a way that stokes curiosity causing viewers to stick around to see what’s next. They will make their guests feel comfortable and settled-in, thus drawing out the best in their participants. They will, importantly, know when not to interrupt the speaker, thereby enhancing the narrative with free-flowing discussions. And they will carry the charm and wit to add their inputs strategically along the way, holding viewer attention right till the end. The right host will also carry sufficient familiarity with the Healthcare space to recognize and acknowledge the stature of each guest with the right protocols and behaviour, and to that extent, a host or moderator who hails from the Healthcare fraternity (or connected to it in an indirect way) can greatly sway outcomes.
It is time to add digital events and media networks as a strategic part of your ‘personal branding’. As long as you pick your next healthcare speaking assignment with tact and vision, you can’t go wrong.
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