3 Point Privacy Hygiene, you are not a product
Vishal Shah
Co-Founder & CEO @ Synersoft Technologies Pvt ltd | Commercialization of Innovations
Dear Readers,
On popular demand, presenting 3 points online privacy hygiene tips to protect your privacy and security.
Get off my back
All popular Internet browsers you use, track your every click, hover, search term and contribute to big data analytics. You grant access to all your private and professional internet activity without being paid.
Do you realize, they use your electricity, your processor, your internet, and most seriously, your time, to get these free inputs and make big money?
Do not manipulate my search results
When you search for something, the results are manipulated. Do you realize, you click and they earn, they use your electricity, your processor, your internet, and most seriously, your time. They call it the cost per click.
Do you realize, even they earn as soon as the content is displayed on your screen? They call it to cost per impression.
They earn, Hackers also Earn, You loose
Sometimes, they track you so lousily, hackers find loopholes and take their piece of your private information. Do you realize, most of the hacks are done from cookies and scripts used to track your activity by the browser or site publisher?
I have got rid of all of the above. I am not tracked, I am not forced to see mean search results, and I am not visible to hackers...
Believe me this works,
Don't use any popular browsers. Use Brave Browser. Check this video.
It is fantastic, it is honest and it's just fast... If they show you the advertisement, they will pay you. Check Brandon Eich who created JavaScript, Mozilla, and Firefox. He is the man behind this project. watch this video
Don't use any popular search engines. Use DuckDuckGo. it is neutral, honest and shows you what you searched for. Check this video,
Please give your feedback after you try this. Brave Browser and DuckDuckGo will upgrade your Online Hygiene to its best.
Best Regards,
Vishal Shah
Founder and CEO of Synersoft Technologies Pvt Ltd, India, maker of a disruptive product for enterprise for the best Data Loss Prevention and Data Leakage Prevention, branded as BLACKbox
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