The 3 Phases of YouTube Virality...
The Secret Notes From A Private Interview With Adam Lyons... (one of the most viral creators on YouTube)

The 3 Phases of YouTube Virality...

(The secret notes from a private interview with Adam Lyons… one of the most viral creators on the YouTube platform)

I recently had the chance to interview one of the top YouTube viral content creators, Adam Lyons.

Adam is a great friend, one of the best pick up artists on the planet, and a viral YouTube sensation. You can follow Adam by clicking here.

The following information comes from our recent private interview session.

The content was soo good, that I felt compelled to share it with you so you can use it to become a media maven!



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PHASE 1: Phase One Overview: Keyword Videos 

Creating Your Keyword Videos for Your YouTube Strategy 

To begin, you’ll be creating several videos that cover relevant keywords going after your niche.  

It’s suggested to build these videos in batches, for example, film 10 per day, then set them up to release 2-3 times per week.  

This is going to act as your foundational filler content and will get the right people coming to your channel. 


Here’s how to SMASH phase 1: 

1. Research 

2. Plan 

3. Record 

4. Upload 

1. Research Phase: 

In this phase you’ll use your competitors and search engine keyword tools to identify 20 possible keywords in your market. 


● SemRush 

● Google Keyword Planner 

● Use Google search

● Find competitor channels 

● Browse through their playlists 

● Write down the keywords in the videos that have the most views 

2. Planning Phase: 

During this phase you want to plan out the 20 videos you’re going to record. 

You can do this in one afternoon. 

Each video needs the following components… 

1. Introduction - (“Today, I’m going to show you how to ________”) 

2. Bullet Point 1 - The first main point 

3. Bullet Point 2 - The second main point 

4. The CTA - (“If you liked this video, you can get my ______ by clicking down below”) 

5. The Next Video Reminder (“In the next video, I’m going to show you _______ so I’ll see you there”) 

3. Recording Phase: 

Go through each video and don’t forget to pause between the intros and bullet points. 

It’s easy to add jump cuts in the editing process so you don’t have to get it all in one shot. 

Record them in order so you always know what video you’re going to tell them about next! 

4. Upload Videos: 

When you upload your keyword videos, it’s important to make sure they are all in a playlist. 

Otherwise, when the video ends, YouTube will suggest a related video from your competitor. 

Also, because this traffic is organic, some people won’t be ready for your CTA so the next video reminder and playlist keeps them on your channel and watching. 

Make sure your keywords are in your title and description. 

Also, you can add a card at the end that leads to your download.


PHASE 2: Phase Two Overview: Building upon your keyword video base to create great content.

Creating Viral Relevant Content 

These next videos will not be as frequent as your keyword videos. 

Instead, produce one of these videos every two weeks or every month. 

This content is going to act like your bait. 

These videos bring in views by going viral, and your keyword videos provide more content for them to view once they get to your channel. 

An important note about virality... Virality doesn’t necessarily mean millions of views. 

If your content goes viral in your niche or sub niche, those leads are far more qualified than if you have a random video not related to your niche, get millions of views. 


This is how to execute Phase 2: 

There are two key features of viral content that will help build your business... 

1. Trending and Relevant 

2. Related to your brand or business in some way 

How to Find Trending and Relevant Topics 

1. Ebaumsworld 

2. Facebook 

3. Google Trends 

4. Reddit 

5. Buzzfeed 

A Few Recording Tips 

1. Find different scenes and backdrops 

2. If you’re shooting in your house, get close to the camera and put the camera as far away from the opposite wall as possible (You want depth) 

3. Aim your forehead towards the lens so your head is turned down and reduces the double chin 

4. Keep your body at an angle 

5. High energy!

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Remember Why People Share

The number one reason people share content is because they want THEIR followers to think they are smart, cool, or funny. 

Your content can’t just give a juicy secret or solve a problem ONLY, it must also make your followers look good to share it. 


PHASE 3: Phase Three Overview: This is where your subscribers can double or triple overnight.

Collaborative Content

The idea is that you find someone with another channel (that has your target audience) and agree to do a collaborative video together that will be shared on both channels.

In TV, they call this a cross-over event. 

When one actor from one show, makes an appearance in another show. 

It helps overlap the audiences and gives both shows more exposure.

The same happens on YouTube.

You want to find people that are at your level now. 

Don’t look for people with 10x the subscribers or views you have.

The content you produce must still be viral and relevant!

The collaborations I’ve seen work best are ones where there are complimentary services offered. 

For example, If you’re an agency owner that has expertise in lead generation, and you know that your clients would love learning secrets from the Sales Ascenders about high ticket selling, you could do a collab together where you built 2 videos.

One video where the Sales Ascenders interview you about the lead gen secrets you could share with their tribe, and then one where you interview the Sales Ascenders about things your tribe wants to learn with regard to high ticket sales. 


Here’s the final secrets to phase 3: 

Step One: Find a concept that you can repeat over and over again in different niches.

For example, if you owned a social media ad agency and you targeted coaches, you could use a single relevant topic like “how to design the perfect IG ad” and then we would long-tail the topic and cater to each of the different coaching markets.  (ie… how to design the perfect IG ad for mindset coaches; how to design the perfect IG ad for strength coaches; etc.).

Step Two: Reach out to other YouTubers that have your audience, and a similar subscriber size. 

StepThree: Agree to do a cross-over event.

(i.e. email your list and promote their channel and vice versa). 


Make sure to connect with me for more amazing content! Please comment below if this helps you. I'd love to hear your story!

About the Sales Ascenders: The Original Sales Ascenders (Chris & Sean) are focused on one thing: guiding motivated agency owners in building a bullet-proof sales ecosystem in your business.  

If you’re ready to step your game up to the next level, complete the discovery form by clicking here and then schedule a FREE discovery call to get a comprehensive review of your sales ecosystem. 


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