3 Perfectionist Blind Spots Impeding Your Success
Heidi Gruss, LPC | Transformation Strategist & Business Coach

3 Perfectionist Blind Spots Impeding Your Success

A quick illustrative story and then I'll dive right into those three perfectionist blind spots (plus I'm throwing in a bonus tip at the end of this article)...

I have three school-age daughters and let me tell you, nothing highlights the subtleties of perfectionism like the first day of school.

Their first day outfits were thoughtfully and meticulously curated months ago. And yet, panic set in just days before school started this week. My husband, Tim (bless him) was horrified by the prospect, but willing to drive them around to all sorts of stores to help them find the illusive "perfect first day outfit."

My response, "Awh hell no!" We talked it through--there were closets full of clothes in our home and plenty of options to choose from. And furthermore, I thought--this is perfectionism creeping in. That insidious little bugger making its way into everyday decisions and routines. It was a great reminder for us and for our girls.

Whether you're facing the first day of school or any other challenge in your home or business life, it's critical to be on the lookout for perfectionist thinking.

Let's shine the light on three blind spots so you can stay off the emotional roller coaster ride they can take you on...

Blind Spot Number One: The Context

According to Psychology Today, adults make an average of 35,000 decisions each day. Wow. Knowing that, put this particular decision in context: Is this a big decision or a small decision? Perspective is critical and can make letting go of perfectionist thinking a lot easier.

Blindspot Number Two: The Thought Process

blackboard with chalk writing "perfection is stagnation"?

It seems as if the moment you’ve achieved the "perfect" anything - the outfit, the email newsletter, the menu for a retreat you’re hosting - something foils perfection. You realize there's a huge stain on your shirt, the email newsletter was sent out with a broken link, or you realize too late that you forgot to offer a plant based option to half?a room of attendees who don’t eat meat at your "perfectly planned" retreat. And immediately you fall to the floor in total defeat. This is all-or-nothing thinking. It's either total perfection or absolute failure.

This is the kind of thinking that can easily render us paralyzed with feelings of shame and loads of "shoulds" rather than focusing on forward momentum by giving ourselves the grace we deserve.

Try thinking, "Okay. That happened. What's next?" to move your mind out of stagnation and into motion.

Blindspot Number Three: The Over-anaylizing

Overthinking always involves overvaluing the opinions and thoughts others' have of your decisions and your work product. The more energy you dedicate to anticipating and speculating about external validators, the further off course you move from your internal compass.

And even worse, when we focus on meeting the standards and expectations of others, we lose touch with the things that bring us joy and fulfillment. This is a common trap of perfectionism.

Perfectionism breeds insecurity and self-doubt. Learning and practicing self-validation to bring about unwavering confidence and?peace of mind is critical. Try asking, "Is this good enough for me?" or "Do I feel good about this?"

Recovering Perfectionist Bonus Tip

When you feel perfectionism coming up, ask yourself:

Is it more important that this task is done perfectly or that it gets done?

Progress happens when we stay in motion, not when we are stuck in the quicksand of perfectionist thinking.

Final Thoughts

When you choose to fixate on and overthink insignificant details, you commit yourself to riding that emotional roller coaster every time you set out to do something. You'll quickly deplete your emotional bandwidth on the little things and have no reserves left to handle the big stuff.

Being aware of and avoiding your blind spots can help build the emotional security and mental strength you need to tackle the most important tasks in your life and business.

text only about the author heidi gruss

As a licensed Psychotherapist and transformation strategist, I am convinced you have the power to live fulfilled, without the threat of negative behavior patterns sabotaging opportunities for success in your life and your business.

However you define success for yourself, it is yours to claim. I help my coaching clients step into their brilliance once and for all.

I deliver long term transformation by using my proven method for unearthing and addressing limiting beliefs and habits.

I developed the Elevate Your Mindset Workbook to give you a near instant win and transformation in your daily habits. I hope you'll download your copy today!


Heidi Gruss, MEd, LPC, CMHIMP的更多文章

