3 Peak Performance Strategies
Wynand van Poortvliet

3 Peak Performance Strategies

Simple but profound strategies that if you follow them consistently, will transform your results

1. “If you build it he will come”.

You may or may not have seen ‘Field of Dreams’. It’s the story of a man who listens to a compelling voice in his head repeating the phrase above, to build a baseball stadium in the middle of nowhere in the hope that if he does this, his dream team will come and play.

Now, whilst this is Hollywood and Costner doing their thing, it also plays to a much-proven theory that if you take massive, bold steps outside your comfort zone and towards your goal, the universe will conspire to put opportunities your way.

Now whether this is a mystical power at work, whether it’s just your brain focussing on the goal so much that everything that happens is seen through that filter, or a combination of the two, but the fact remains that peak performers who dream big and then act accordingly are rewarded for their efforts more often than not.

2. Be Your Own Life Coach.

A life coaches job is to hold up a mirror to the ‘coachee’, with the premise that the individual already has the solution within them; it’s the coaches job to help the coachee unlock their potential by asking great questions. Questions provide the coachee with 3 invaluable gifts: -

Firstly, a great question raises self-awareness, without which any aspiring peak performer is lost. Think about this question for example: “What do you want instead of the problem?” This one question alone is what’s called a ‘pattern interrupt’ – it FORCES the individual to stop going around in circles focussing on the problem and to start thinking instead of a solution.

Secondly, it gives the coachee choice – a series of options. That’s just one question I’ve highlighted; imagine if you had a toolkit of 30!

Lastly, questions allow the coachee to become more trusting of themselves – to build self-reliance which is a thing beyond price.

Imagine if you had a toolkit of questions giving you awareness, choice and self-reliance which you could ask yourself on a daily basis?

3.  CHEAT!

This sounds ridiculous!!

We are taught from a young age that copying other people’s work will lead us into very hot water! We get branded ‘a cheat’ which is an onerous and often long-lasting label, which no-one wants.

In later life, we hear about the dire legal penalties of plagiarism…

But heres the thing: -

In business, cheating is best practice!!!

Think about it for a moment. Is it fair enough to suggest that there are people you know who are doing something you want to achieve, better than you? If that’s the case, it’s also fair enough to suggest that these people will be following a strategy that gives them these great results.

Success leaves clues.

So, what you need to do, is to copy their precise strategies, to achieve precisely the same results, in the same way that if you follow a recipe from a cookbook precisely, you will get precisely the same results.

Some simple steps then.

1.   Find someone who is achieving the results you want.

2.  Ask them what their strategies are (you will need to think of the right questions here)

3.  Be prepared to try their methods on for size and to put them into action.

If you copy 50% of their strategy, you’ll get 50% of their results.


Becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be is a great aspiration, but it does take “persistence and consistence”

For ‘persistent and consistent’ free tips and techniques, why not sign up for my regular updates at www.allaboutimpact.co.uk

You can also email me with any questions or comments at [email protected]

Take care, Oliver


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