3 Options for Keeping Company Workwear Clean

3 Options for Keeping Company Workwear Clean

If you’ve been tasked with managing a uniform program, the question of “how to keep company uniforms clean and maintained” is unavoidable.

Should you make employees responsible for cleaning their own uniforms?

Provide in-house laundering?

Or partner with a uniform service provider?

When selecting a uniform laundering method, the process you choose has to work for both your company and your employees. Your process should ultimately make uniforms a benefit for staff and not a nuisance.

Let’s take a closer look at your three options for workwear laundering:

1. Have Employees Wash Workwear at Home

As the manager of your uniform program, passing off laundering responsibilities to employees is an easy way to get part of the task off your plate. This can be the worst long-term solution for maintaining your uniforms longevity, however.

Some types of garments require special detergents and washing cycles, such as chemical and fire resistant clothing. When employees are required to wash their own workwear, you won’t be able to control how they care for their uniforms. This could lead to garment degradation and issues with HACCP and OSHA regulations.

Having employees wash their uniforms at home can also introduce the danger of tracking chemicals back into the home. Washing uniforms at home can even lead to employees bringing new contaminants into the workplace. The following industries are at an increased risk of in home contamination for employees due to workplace contact with chemicals or bodily fluid:

  • Chemical industry
  • Food processing industry
  • Healthcare industry
  • Manufacturing industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry

While this option can save employers money from the startup, it makes uniforms less of a benefit for employees. If your company’s jobs put employees at risk of contact with toxins, providing an in-house or outside uniform laundry service can take a huge burden off employees’ shoulders.

2. Launder Your Company Uniforms In-House

Providing in-house laundering services can be beneficial to employees. It immediately removes the dangers of bringing work contaminants into employees homes, but this option can be expensive to maintain.

You’ll have to keep in mind the costs of owning heavy duty laundry machinery, from maintenance to replacement, and the amount of valuable floor space it will take up in your facility. If you don’t already have an in-house laundry solution setup, you’ll have to buy washers, dryers, and a supply of cleaning products. You will also have to hire someone to wash the workwear on a regular basis as well as maintain your machines as they become dirty and worn out.

If you chose to provide in-house laundry services, be cautious of the dangers that come with it. Work uniforms that have been exposed to oils, grease, or other chemicals can be a danger if all chemicals have not been removed before being placed in the dryer.

3. Partner With a Uniform Rental and Laundry Service Provider

If uniforms are a major concern for your business, partnering with a quality uniform service provider can put your mind at ease. A trusted uniform company will take care of all your service needs for you while meeting HACCP, OSHA, NFPA, and other industry required standards.

To get the most out of your uniforms, signing up for a uniform rental program can save you from installing in-house equipment, hiring additional staff to wash uniforms, or having to worry about how employees maintain their workwear. With a uniform rental program, you can get:

  • Uniforms fitted to your employees
  • Clean uniforms at the start of each week
  • A uniform maintenance program to keep uniforms in top shape
  • Branded uniforms that represent your company well
  • A dedicated service team to ensure you’re happy with your plan

Clean Rental is an exceptional uniform provider, with flat-rate payment options, premium maintenance programs, and non-commissioned drivers whose only job is to serve you—unlike a typical commissioned sales driver. We provide custom uniform programs for unique company needs and have implemented cleaning processes that exceed industry standards. If you need help with your uniforms or have questions about uniform rental and laundry services, contact us today!


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