3> Optimizing C++ - Offloading N-Body Problem to GPUs with OpenACC
Glory Moore Law days have gone. Before 2003 the number of transistors per processor duplicated every 2 years. In those years programmers were waiting for the next new processor with higher frequency and high memory bandwidth; unfortunately, the physical limitations in power dissipation and leak currents in the nanometer scale of the transistors have stopped the design basis of increasing transistors density, reducing voltage and increasing frequency. This has impulsed the development of new ideas in multi-core and heterogeneous computing enabling further acceleration of software execution allowing to reach new frontiers in floating-point point and integer operation performance.
In this case, as I have promised, I will offload the N-Body problem to GPUs using OpenACC. For the test, I will be using my laptop which has a GeForce GTX 1050 3 GB Max-Q NVIDIA GPU and Quadcore Intel i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz. As always, you can check the original version of the code and the optimized/accelerated version in the GitHub repository. If you have a GPU you can also try the PGI compiler to get similar results as this article.
The first thing we have to do before starting to accelerate the code is to move all the data possible from the host (the memory used by the CPU) to the device (video memory of the GPU). Why? The CPU and the GPU are not in the same chip, they are connected by a physical media, e.g. a cable and a communication protocol (PCI express, nvlink, etc), so the time required to communicate data from CPU to GPU and vice-versa can be comparable with the time of useful computations or even more. For this reason, we have to avoid as much as possible the communications to increase the computing performance, and in this way, keeping the GPU busy and operating the whole time on the data with the ALUs and FPUs.
For moving the data from host to device and vice-versa I have added a method to the main class of the N-Body code called mMoveToDevice() and mMoveToHost():
void Problem::mMoveToDevice() { #pragma acc enter data copyin(this[0:1], mParticles[0:mNumParticles]) } void Problem::mMoveToHost() { #pragma acc update self(mParticles[0:mNumParticles]) }
Thus before solving the time loop (most computationally intensive part), a call to mMoveToDevice() will move the particle related data to the GPU memory which is needed to start computing the new positions and velocities by the cores of the device:
... int main() { problem.mMoveToDevice(); for (int ts = 0; ts < nTimeSteps; ts++) { problem.integrate(); } return 0; }
You can also do a call to mMoveToHost() for moving the computed data back to the CPU memory, e.g., for example for postprocessing and write it in a file. Take into account that this last can significantly deteriorate the performance of the algorithm.
Now, with the particle data stored in the GPU is possible to start integrating the positions and velocities of the particles inside the GPU. With OpenACC it is as easy as:
void Problem::integrate() { #pragma acc parallel loop present (this[0:1], mParticles[0:mNumParticles]) for (int pi = 0; pi < mNumParticles; pi++) { ... } #pragma acc parallel loop present (this[0:1], mParticles[0:mNumParticles]) for (int pi = 0; pi < mNumParticles; pi++) { ... } }
Note that we have added the decorator "present" in the pragmas to indicate to the compiler that the data is already copied to the GPU memory. If we wouldn't do that the compiler would generate a code which in each time step (when the call to the integrate() function is done) which would copy data from the CPU to the GPU adding a lot of overhead and unneeded copies. So, it is crucial to specify that in order to maximize the throughput.
As we can see, inside the outer for-loop there are some calls to sqrt(double) function, this is a problem since the compiler doesn't know how the threads are going to execute it, e.g. it can be a CUDA kernel or a simple sequential function. So for fixing this problem, we have to specify that we want to execute sqrt(double) sequentially with one thread. The way I do this is by using the headers provided by PGI. In this case, I have replaced the C math library include:
#include <cmath>
#include <accelmath.h>
In this way, the program is going to use the PGI own implementation of the sqrt() function, and not the one from the C math library.
PGI compiler also does not support some C++ features, for example, I replaced the zero initializers of the force:
double force[3] = {};
double force[3] = {0, 0, 0};
These issues are solved in each new version of PGI; hopefully, in some months or years, the modern C++ standard will be supported by the compiler.
So now it is time to test if our GPU offloading works. I have modified in this case the parameter of the simulation to 5-time steps and 100K particles to make more significant the improvements using GPU acceleration against the CPU. I will compare it with one-core-only and OpenMP execution. For this, I use the OpenMP support offered by PGI compiler. Notice that I can reuse the same OpenMP pragmas of the previous article to generate code for OpenMP and OpenACC at the same time:
#pragma omp parallel for #pragma acc parallel loop present (this[0:1], mParticles[0:mNumParticles]) for (int pi = 0; pi < mNumParticles; pi++) { ... }
For the one-core-only execution, I compiled and run as:
$ pgc++ main-acc.cpp -o main-acc-cpu -O3 $ time ./main-acc-cpu real 3m7.376s user 3m7.258s sys 0m0.007s
For OpenMP:
$ pgc++ main-acc.cpp -o main-acc-cpu-omp -O3 -mp $ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 $ time ./main-acc-cpu-omp real 0m48.323s user 6m22.577s sys 0m0.140s
And finally, for OpenACC:
$ pgc++ main-acc.cpp -o main-acc-cpu-omp -O3 -acc -Minfo=accel $ time ./main-acc real 0m38.461s user 0m37.921s sys 0m0.417s
As you can see, we obtained a speedup of x3.9 with OpenMP and x4.9 with OpenACC. In the next figure we outlined these results:
In the next article, I will offload the N-Body code using CUDA, the interface and the library provided by NVIDIA. CUDA enables much more flexibility and control, allowing to perform better optimizations than OpenACC. The disadvantage is that the portability of the code with CUDA is less than OpenACC. Note that with OpenACC we had to add some simple pragmas only. In all the cases, knowing CUDA is another weapon you can have before going to the battlefield and it can help you to accelerate even more your software.