3 new Minerba systems – Join in or be left out.
Photo by Ian Wollff

3 new Minerba systems – Join in or be left out.

Launching new digital systems – MVP, EMS, EDW.

On the 2 December 2019 the Mines Department (ESDM) undertook the launching of three new computer systems to record the mineral and coal industries activities of commodity sales [Aplikasi Modul Mineral Verifikasi Penjulan – MVP], exploration reporting [Exploration Monitoring System – EMS] and submitting of exploration data [Exploration Data Warehouse – EDW] for minerals and coal.

The invitation was sent to 31 Kontrak Karya, 67 PKP2B, 2 IUPK, 3 IUP BUMN, 97 IUP PMA, 51 IUP PMDN and 10 Surveyor. Despite the short notice, some 350 people attended (30% women) the very successful launching, with some companies bringing a small team. The event was supported by various senior Minerba staff. The morning session was the official launching of the 3 systems, and the afternoon session was a technical presentation of the MVP. It was announced that the MVP for coal had earlier been launched on 1st October, and the technical socialization of the EMS & EDW is planned for Denpasar (Bali) on the 4th & 5th December.

Ir. Yunus Saefulhak, Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral, Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara, expressed thanks to the various directorate, and other, parties that had prepared and launched this system. This new system is part of a wider MOMS system, that includes the One Map etc. These digital data systems shall help the Mines Department coordinate and 1) manage the exploration and mining tenement areas, 2) direct efforts towards reserve replacement ratio, and 3) monitor greenfield and brownfield exploration budget activity. The three new systems rely on participation /compliance with other MOMS digital systems regarding company name, location, payment of certain fees etc. These new computer systems also rely upon the registered Surveyors, and upon Competent Persons to ensure reliable and correct data.

Ir. Bambang Gatot Ariyono, Direktur Jeneral Mineral & Batubara, Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral, welcomed the audience and thanked the parties that developed these systems. These systems are designed to update the old hard copy files system, wherein the Ministry can now be more efficient and effective in monitoring and managing mineral & coal exploration and production. These systems will help with synchronization across the various sections within the ESDM, and also across ministries. Some parts of the system are open to the public, while other parts are restricted, based on the level of Government echelon, or for approved requests for information. If a party is not registered with the Minerba On line Monitoring System MOMS (or up to date with compliance requirements) then it will not be able to participate in the new systems, and not be able to operate in the Indonesian minerals & coal industry. The Beneficial Ownership program is still in progress. These three new systems (MVP, EMS, EDW) shall be compulsory from 1 January 2020.

The ESDM is looking at many ongoing activities, including: -

·       A review the basic Mining Law 4/ 2009. The new era of exploration started with the 1967 Mining Law which recognized that Indonesia had great geological potential, but needed foreign investors and expertise to kick start the exploration and mining industry. Of the 235 Contracts of Work (Generation 1-7), some 15 companies were successful (less than 10%) that included names we are familiar with such as Freeport, Vale, Newcrest. The overall average exploration budgets were US$ 5-10 million that were spent using the best technology of that era. The Minerba now relies upon much of that data for its present designation of new areas to be released for exploration. This new exploration monitoring and data warehouse systems shall help with the storage and evaluation of such data.

·       It is also recognized the present Data Fee of new blocks (KDI) is not optimal for investors seeking to take up new blocks. New ground is prioritized for release to the Government institutions (BUMN, BUMD, SOE’s) and if they decline (often due to lack of budget etc), then the private sector shall be invited to bid.

·       The coal DMO had great performance in 2018 /19. The DMO mechanism (including transfer of DMO credits) is to be reviewed, so as to be more effective. The ratio of exports to DMO is a topic for discussion.

·       Evaluation of Hilirisasi as required under the Law 4/2009 is ongoing. Many of the minerals aspects are working well, but there is concern on how it MUST be applied to the coal industry. Input from the IMA and other associations is being considered.

·       It is difficult to reduce exports (coal & minerals), as the current account deficit needs support. Indonesia imports huge amounts of oil, wherein the B20 replacement program is helping, though Avtur is expensive and is required in increasing amounts.

·       There are other remaining issues, however the new systems will also help in the management of the regional exploration and mining industry (IUP’s).

Socialisation of Aplikasi Modul Verifikasi MineralMVP by Ir. Yuli Bintoro. (MM), Kasubit Pengawasan Usaha Opearasi Produksi dan Pemasaran Mineral.  

This was a casual run through of how to fill in the on-line data. Essentially the commodity selling company fills out various on-line data fields, and then the companies appointed Surveyor (cargo-superintending) firm is automatically notified and completes the data entry for a “final” documentation. The company can then opt to print out or go digital for port clearance etc. There are a number of do’s and don’t to follow in filling out the form. The forms vary slightly for domestic or export sales, and sales to traders. Each party must be registered under the MOMS system.

Socialisation of Exploration Monitoring System – EMS & Exploration Data Warehouse – EDW by Andri Budiman Fimanto, (ST. Meng) Kasubdit Pengawasan Usaha Eksplorasi Mineral, Direktorat Pembinaan Mineral Direktorate Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara.

Took the audience for a spin through the web site MOMS system and on to the edw-minerba.esdm.go.id. Essentially only companies registered under MOMS can enter the site, and once data is entered it is encrypted for security against unauthorised users. The system relies upon the companies nominated Competent Persons (known to the system) to enter data. It was mentioned that such competent persons can also be from KCMI / JORC accreditation systems. A wide range of exploration data can be entered, spot samples, drill collar, topography, geophysics etc. There are several search options to find data, particularly by year and location etc. The system is flexible such that in years to come when other minerals / elements are sought, then these can be incorporated. There are penalties for entering false data. The exploration Monitoring System was briefly mentioned.

These systems are to help with the Minerba goals to determine 1) Coverage Area, 2) Reserve replacement ratio, and 3) Budget Exploration to Revenue Ratio.

Discussion - Past data is planned to be entered covering the last 5 years of reports (2015-2019), followed by earlier data in succeeding years. No mention on details of the program to enter past data were mentioned here.

Material for these presentations can be found at https://bit.ly/LaunchingMVPEEMSEDW


About 100 people attended this after lunch session (including 30% women).

Socialization Modul Mineral Verifikasi Penjulan – MVP by Ita & Anton. The value of this sessions was the opportunity for questions from the audience.

·       Some further clarification on how the system handles multiple elements (say Ni & Co, Pb & Ag, or Cu & Au etc). Also, it seems there is a completely separate system for penalty elements that reflect on royalty. Seems MVP shipments of multi elements or different grades may need improvements / clarifications.

·       There is no “help desk” nor user’s manual at this stage, and a user’s What’s App group is to be developed to handle daily issues.

·       The system is protected by encryption, and limited access to each party. The system could be down for around 10 min from time to time for maintenance etc. The system is reliant upon power being on at the host server, and the internet operating at the user & government ends.

·       In October the MVP was separately introduced to the coal industry.

·       Can do CIF shipments, but can not use overseas Surveyor (they need to be registered here under the ESDM system). Delayed invoicing OK.

·       Uploading data limited to 5 MB.

·       Can only have 2 approved traders at a time.

·       Tons not yet include option for wet tons.

·       Request users not to give the system problems.

·       Can not use truck as shipment, but can specify plane.

·       The practice of PT. Aneka Tambang buying gold ore from local miners, and PT. Timah buying tin concentrate as a form of subcontractor – such practices may need to be more closely looked at to comply with the MVP register mineral sellers.

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