3 myths about strategy
According to a report by Semana magazine, a study presented by Harvard Business Review (HBR) defined three myths about the strategy:?
The first: Think that the strategy is long-term. And the pandemic did give very hard lessons in this regard. This can work very well for industries in which the base of your competition remains unchanged for years, but we have already been taught that the challenges are more than unpredictable and it becomes more than important to adopt strategic changes and do it very quickly in what marks a big difference. But getting attached to the thought that thinking about strategy demands a long-term commitment, yes or yes, can blind the organization to the needs of the moment.
The second myth: Disruptors change strategies all the time. But few notice that there are functional strategies that are embodied in the core of the business
Other myths: beliefs that competitive advantage is now dead and that the important thing now is not to have a strategy, but to be agile. On the one hand, agility is a skill, not a strategy, and on the other, what has been shown is that maintaining an advantage costs more and doesn't last as long.
What other myth about strategy do you know??