3 Myths in Scrum
Myth 1 Scrum is Agile
When people talk about Scrum, they sometimes replace Scrum with Agile. Often, people assume that Scrum is Agile and Agile is Scrum, but they are not the same. Agile is 'a way' (a philosophy, a mindset, a set of principles) while Scrum is a framework that fully embraced agile principles. These Agile Principles are often called Agile Manifestoes.
Agile Manifestoes
Scrum is one of the most popular frameworks that use Agile Principles. Other Frameworks that adopt Agile principles are Kanban, SaFe, eXtreme Programming (XP) and Feature Driven Development (FDD), etc.
Myth 2 Scrum is a New Millennial Invention
It is wildly believed, in the IT world that "Scrum" was coined in the early 2000s during the emergence of Agile Software Development and delivery trends. But these are not true. Scrum was first used and published by Harvard Business Review in January 1986 in an article called "New New Product Development Game" written by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka. This article focused on how some companies in both the USA and Japan manage the development of new products.
Myth 3 Scrum is just for Software Development
Scrum is a framework that is designed to make teams more effective and efficient.?Scrum is also one of the most popular frameworks used in Software Development.?As a framework, Scrum can be used to implement processes not only in software development but also in other domains. Scrum can also be adopted by a company or an individual to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their teams and processes.?
Many Companies (such as Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Production, Public Relations, Operation Management, Research, and Development, etc.) are now adopting Scrum in their operations. This is because Scrum helps the company to stay organized, more effective, and efficient. Scrum is used to create and manage long-term and short-term goals for companies.