3 Must-Reads About AI (Ok, 4.)
Hi there, year off to a good start? Tuesday is National Clean Off Your Desk Day. Yes. There is a Hallmark card for everything.
In honor of cleaning and starting fresh, I began to wonder...is the future...now? I've been so focused on talking about AI in the future tense, I kind of forgot how much it impacts our lives currently.?
Yesterday I posted a?poll?to see how often AI came up in conversation.?Do advertisers, marketers and their bosses know that most of programmatic run off of AI, but just don't talk about it often? Or do they talk about it at all? The (early) results tell me that more of you than we thought are talking about AI daily.
In the meantime, I wanted to gather together all the resources that I can to help you be able to talk about it. Data has shown that AI use in the business sector has?grown 270%?over the last 4 years. If you can talk about it, I bet you have a better chance of getting a job, promotion, or gaining respect with your industry.
I've put together a?guide to AI in advertising?that has everything you need to know about AI, even a handy glossary.
Also, here are my top three favorite CatapultX blogs from last year on AI.
Talk soon!
Zack Rosenberg
Achieving?the deepest level of understanding of video through AI.
P.S. Ready to get started in video advertising? Use your display ads and start today.?Learn more!