3 "Must Have"? Technologies for Contact Centers with At-Home Agents

3 "Must Have" Technologies for Contact Centers with At-Home Agents

The pandemic came and your organization, undoubtedly had to quickly adapt and move agents to an At-Home environment. With duct tape, home PC's, agent's home networks, agent's home computers, maybe a VPN, etc., you may have managed to get your at-home agent contact center up and running, but there’s still more work to do to keep it sustainable and compliant.

Since the pandemic isn't going anywhere anytime soon, now is the time to leverage technologies that can enable you to have a successful, virtual contact center with at-home agents long term.

Below are some issues that need to be addressed:

  1. Agent Workspace - How do you know your agent's home workspaces are up to par and compliant? Are there dogs barking, babies crying, people walking around behind them that can see their screen? How do you know the agent is working from home and not at a coffee shop where sensitive data can be seen and there are cyber security risks? Can you see the agent and their workspace while they are working? Can you monitor their screen? Is modern technology alerting you when an agent is doing something inappropriate or that puts you at risk?
  2. Home Network and PC - Are agents working from multiple types of computers? How do you ensure these P's meet the minimum requirements needed? Is QOS in place to prioritize voice over data to ensure no latency or jitter? Are your agents compliant to the endpoint? Are you able to brick their computers so they can only access the applications you want them to access? And What about low bandwidth?
  3. Using AI - Are you using AI to address spikes and to complement your "live agent" customer care? Do you have queue times over 30 minutes? With some of the new realities at home (homeschooling, additional family members working from home, etc.) you may have times when you're short agents or haven't transitioned all your agents home yet.

Read our full blog for more details on these "Must Have" solutions by clicking below:


