The 3 Most Famous & Powerful Poems By Christen?Kuikoua

The 3 Most Famous & Powerful Poems By Christen?Kuikoua

1. Mom, You are my one and?only

Mom, your love is a mystery:

How can you do it all?

Mother is such a simple word,

But to me there’s meaning seldom heard.

For everything I am today,

My mother’s love showed me the way.

You are the Thunder and I am Lightning

And I Love the Way You, Know Who You are to me

Cause Mom You are a firework

My Moon in times of darkness

My Sun in times of my happy hours

My pillow in times of sorrow

And My strength In Times Of Great Depression

How Can You Do It All?

My World, My Forever What will I Have Been

Without Such Pure Love

Like The Moon In Someone’s Sky

You Show Me The Way to life

With your loving and slivering light

you shine like and angel

And I Thank heaven for the grace of having such a mother

Which paths are wise and life is true

You are my sunshine

I’ll love my mother all my days,

For enriching my life in so many ways.

She set me straight and then set me free,

And that’s what the word ‘mother’ means to me.

Mom, I wish I had words engraved in the clouds

to tell How much you mean to me.

I am the person I am today,

Because you let me be.

Your unconditional love

Made me happy, strong, and secure.

In all the world, there is no mother

Better than my own.

You’re the best and wisest person, Mom

I have ever known.

Like the stars talks with no words

your wisdom Enlightened me

And Forever the angels will sing hallelujah

For they Woe to have someone like you

I Need A Family Not A?Court

Never Compete

Never Compete

with Artificial intelligence

but instead focus

On developing Unique human Intelligence

Because If you continue

to teach today

as you taught yesterday

then you rob us students of tomorrow

for you can lead a horse to water

but you can’t force it

Neither Can you make it drink

In the future, we will need

more passion and compassion,

people with inspired heart

and wisdom to uplift this planet

but remember how to do want us Children

to succeed

When we can’t even have proper nutrition,

How do you want us children to succeed?

when we are always treated like machines,

Receiving 19 homework’s due the Next day,

So In other words depriving us from our sleep

Remember First

The Biggest factor For Childhood Success

it’s never I.Q,

it is the family Meals,

Don’t take away my family time

and offer me Facebook

Because at a time

it becomes too hard to face that book

Don’t tell me to go Pinterest

because it is hard sometimes to pin that interest

Don’t lie to me. You were always top of your class

or tell me to be like x and y because,

the truth is

I am sick of being told to be someone am not

When I fall I need love, not judgment

I need counselors, not a juries

I need a family not a court

You Know

The Best Feeling In the world

Is to Know That Your Own Parent Get You

For your Children’s Are Not Your Children’s

they are the sons and daughters

of life longing for itself,

they come through you,

but not from you

and though they are with you,

They don’t belong to you

You may give them your love,

but not your thoughts

For they have their own thoughts

You may House their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow

So Please My Dear Teachers And Beloved Parents

Don’t transform My Child Hood

into a robotic recommendation

Because the Truth is, I can’t be Upgraded

But I Can Learn for the absolute better

What A?Tragedy

Of what Importance is money

In a Disastrous World,

What is the point of being rich?

to live all lonely and be sad

What is the point of building a mansion?

to show Power & Wealth while your life is a misery

What is the point of having a million cars?

if you can drive one at a time

Why is the point of using social media?

counting your likes & views

why you lack personality and confidence

always in need of human approval

to know your perfect the way you are

As you ask yourself this question:

You become to question life

Why are the rich the most miserable?

Not to be rude, but it looks like a fact

Why has money taken away dignity?

Why has corruption taken away righteousness?

Has our world fallen

Or is it the fruit of ignorance?

we kill for money & betray for couple of coins

We have become judas,

for a couple of coins, betray Jesus

What education do you teach us children?

what roots are you planting in us?

The roots of corruption and trickery

I get it. You got bills to pay,

but is worth the sacrifice.

is the bills more important

than the generation you’re living behind?

if you say yes then,

my prayer for you is let your eyes be open

Because I am sick and tire

Tire of seeing children’s life destroy

due to the mistake committed by their parents

Tire because wealth has removed joy from homes

Tire because our self approval

has to come from

the likes we get on Instagram or Twitter

Tire because our new love is corruption,

Spreading rumors is now our hobbies

yeah, that the new world we live in,

where money can buy love

What a tragedy,

humanity’s progression & over knowing

has caused some of us more pain than good

It led us to lose our senses

Oh, my soul weeps & grieve

But scream to see the new rising ray

that will shine like a million sun


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