3 More Tips For Generating Online Sales All Spring Long
In our last blog, we revisited the topic of e-commerce and encouraged business owners to implement spring-themed marketing campaigns to grow their online sales. Launching holiday-themed sales events, starting new social media campaigns and blogging about seasonal topics were among our suggestions.
Here are three more tips for generating online sales all spring long:
1. Send out e-mail newsletters.
When promoting an online store, it only makes sense to use online marketing methods. Firstly, it enables you to disseminate direct links to your online shop. Make it so that your customers are just clicks away from making purchases.
By sending e-mails out to your list of subscribers, you also engage in a marketing practice that is a direct form of communication. Unlike radio spots or TV ads, your e-mails are directed to a specified audience. They give you opportunities to not just promote your store, but share your charming personality. This goes a long way in building brand loyalty.
“Contrary to what conventional wisdom may have us believe, email is far from dead,” insists Zev Gotkin on Cartonomy.com, “It remains a cost-effective marketing tool to reach previous and existing customers. It’s also a great way to convert leads into buyers and remarket those who have purchased from your store in the past.”
2. Offer same-day delivery.
No matter the time of year, consumers want their purchases quickly. The sooner you’re able to deliver the items you sell in your e-commerce store, the more sales you are likely to generate. You can certainly increase your competitive advantage by offering same-day delivery in your online shop. As FlashBox.co points out, same-day delivery is quickly becoming a must-have marketing tool.
“Firstly, you meet demand,” explains the website, “The demand for expedited delivery is ever-growing. Customers are becoming savvier every day, and businesses must go the extra mile to meet their needs. If not, you risk falling behind and losing sales to competitors. If your website conversions have been lacking, delivery options could be why.”
3. Spring clean your social media pages.
Many consumers – especially those of our younger generations – check out the social media pages of businesses before supporting them. What are they up to? Are they relevant, happening and exciting? These are questions youthful shoppers ask themselves when scanning social media pages of businesses. If the answers are “yes”, your store will receive an increasing number of visitors. Visit each of your accounts and check to see what needs to be updated. New imagery, an absence of dead links and regular posts will help to keep your pages fresh and interesting.
“Spruce up your social media channels with new cover photos and color themes that capture the imagery and mood of the season,” encourages Gotkin, “Use bright, seasonal palettes that feature your store name, logo, or new items and products that are on sale. Give your profiles a Spring make-over that will not only be timely, but eye-catching and attractive as well.”
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