3 more days to raise $ 7,535
Dear Friends,
I am hoping you will join me in funding Circle Camps-a free week of camp for girls who have lost a parent. This summer will be my 22nd year of volunteering for this effective program. The girls get tremendous support and joy from a blend of summer camp activities and a few grief activities that help them articulate their loss. I teach at least 6 periods of drawing and watercolor, team building for the youngest campers canoe and float on a noodle with the girls in the lake. About a third of our volunteers are former campers using a week of precious vacation time to give back to the younger campers who regard them as goddesses.
See www.circlecamps.org to donate and see videos of the girls talking about their experiences or send a check to Circle Camps Box 782 Watertown WI 53094.
Thanks in advance for joining me in making a prompt, generous gift that could trigger a $10,000 match. If you need more time, any amount is helpful.