3 Months in China, was this experience worth it ?
Dr.Otto Brixi
Children ombudsman advisor ?children security expert?former youngest member of National parliament? Commitax company owner ?international business developer?human rights expert?lawyer?philanthropist
My 3 of months living in China, over 1 million masks and protective equipment sold in Europe or my story about how I spent the last 3 months in China, how it was like and what it gave to me. I have been thinking for a long time how and whether I will write this status or concept at all, I did not want and I do not want it to be about my ego or bragging because at the end its not about it but relatively many people ask me for this story . Maybe my life and business experience will help someone in life, maybe somene will be more carefull and maybe it can save him in the future from bad decisions or overconfidence on the other side of the world .In mid january when my colleague and I were returning from Kazakhstan we already knew from China that there may be a major pandemic problem as our Chinese partners and friends from Zhenzhen noticed us. They ordered from us tens of thousands of medical protective ecquipment as a friendly humanitarian aid for themselves and their factories because of some strange disease from Wuhan. and because of reason, almost the whole relevant Chinase production of medical ecquipment suddenly began to download by Chinase authorities for their needs. We sent it to them and in the late of January they warned us that "the disease" will be at stake in Europe and that even though they do not know much about it but there are a small talks in China that when it gets out of control it can cause huge damage. Becaue we live in the open world, in the end of February, with China's first possible opportunity, we obtained the first possible certified export quota of protective ecquipment in hundreds of thousands, and at the same time we began to ascertain stockpiles of medical supplies in state and public institutions in Slovakia on various official and unofficial routes. At the beginning of March, the state, self-governments, state and private hospitals were in panic, we knew that, state and public warehouses were empty, private distributions in rush, as a result, protective equipment could not be obtained absolutely. Almost all the world ordered through governments in action, Slovakia as a small and insignificant country will not act in China or Asian countries absolutely no business or diplomatic function. For illustration only, if you wanted to order and pay in advance during this period in China or relevant Asian country the production of certified nitrile surgical certified gloves, even when paying in advance in millions or tens of millions of pieces, the delivery time was for countries like Slovakia for almost 1 calendar year. This was the demand from the world and large countries. Okay, so we knew what the situation was so we paid things and within 2 weeks brought them to Slovakia and sold them to the state, local government, hospitals and institutions. Almost no one in the Ko?ice and Pre?ov regions really could deliver it in these volumes that days. I will not discuss whether or not it made sense to do this business or how grew businessmans with masks and respirators slowly from every third person who walked down the street, but the truth is that this business once again fully revealed human characters and what many people are willing to do for money. Friends of friends, even people outside close but also remotely, everyday attacks and intrigues on us, this was everyday bread. And whether we delivered, and whether we will deliver, and that we need to be thrown out or cancel our cooperation with us, that the same way and the same way and how we could gave such low prices that no one exclude us could earn. The truth is that no one could because we made all the medical production in our ,,own" contracted factories in China alone without any middlemans or interbusiness persons. Well, we did it, we wanted to close this whole chapter slowly, in the end it was just a business for other businesses, no big science when there came another order for such a lot of money. It convinced us to go into it. Just out of curiosity, in China, for 6 weeks, from about March 21 to the end of April, the situation changed daily, from production, through state certification, transport and logistics to the customs export declaration. Chinese customs officers personally inspected every shipment that went to the EU and it was crazy especially for us for whom we had all the products and papers from the Chinese authorities in order, we simply fell into one bag with speculators and fraudsters and wanted to dig out of it. I would like to point out that there is +6 hours in the act, so our working hours for the last months were very dynamic. Unfortunately, in this business we was robbed out by Chinase transportation or distribution companies for 100 000 euros.Any returned money, any delivered shippment. There started a two-week daily complaining in police, embassies of lawyers, threats, nothing helped.The goods loaded, but no longer came to Europe and no one knows where they was. In the act, told by our lawyers, mostly no one knows when the problem like this happend in Asia, Europeans very often do not take seriously in such situations. Even if you have the goods insured, in the act it has a value about the same as honor citizenship from Romanian village in LA California. I have my name and my word is my pride so we didnt want to loose our face or contract and bought for another almost 100 thousand of euros new goods for the client just to deliver it somehow. At least I slept well, someone would say. In every business there is success or failure based on people, we did this business in a consortium two companies, mine and my business partner who from production through logistics did his job well and he deserves thanks for cooperation or thanks for those who helped us or those with whom we could experience this adventure together. Such an adventure story would not be a story if it did not have lessons, for me at least. I learned not to celebrate the day before the night and at the same time confidently believe in every opportunity that comes to a person's life, every one, you never know which will be the right one. At first I didn't want to go into this business very much, I was lethargically from the whole situation underlined by the media and I don't regret it. I learned to be even more disciplined and vigorous because in the world of international business no one will forgive you anything. I learned to stay human even in difficult times for society and in 2 months, despite difficult times, I supported or helped everyone when I saw they need it. Staying human in faith ,learned to appriciate people, not money, this is the biggest profit we could make from it