3 mistakes you're making with your comms in Salesforce (and how to fix them)

3 mistakes you're making with your comms in Salesforce (and how to fix them)

Salesforce is the world’s favorite CRM to manage leads, prospects and clients in every industry across the globe. While its robustness allows a certain and large amount of customization, a key aspect that is rarely taking into account is how users manage communications.?

What do we mean by communications? Everything regarding reaching out to accounts as well receiving information from them, whether it be in form of text or voice messages.

Mistake #1

Having your phone dialer “disjointed” from Salesforce. When your dialer is located outside the CRM. This means having to toggle between your CRM and your dialer app or software in order to make a call. While in the middle, you might want to copy and paste the phone number you're trying to reach on a third app. Or even worst, copy and paste the information you're getting on an incoming call in your notes to later copy that again and paste it on Salesforce to report the results of your conversations.

It sounds time-consuming and very little intuitive… Because it is. According to Harvard Business Review, employees of large companies switch about 350 times between 22 different applications and unique websites. That’s a lot of switching.?


Integrate your phone dialer within Salesforce, that way you’ll be able to reach out to prospects and receive an incoming call without leaving the CRM and saving precious time. On top of that, it is also important to automate data recording and tracking, that way reporting activity will only take you a few clicks without the need of manual typing the information

Mistake #2

Having scattered content all over the place. Your playbook is on Google Drive, while your sales pitch is saved on your desktop. Latest product updates are on a sticky note and corporate docs are on a shared folder you don’t own. Does any of this sounds familiar to you? Being able to access all that information is paramount not only to save time but also to become more and more efficient and sales savvy over time.


Centralize all of your company’s documents that are necessary for every interaction with leads, prospects and clients, within Salesforce. This is not only possible but very necessary. Having integrated content allows you to access sales pitches while in a call or a meeting, reviewing common rebuttals and share sales assets in a couple of clicks. Look out for sophisticated apps that also helps you to craft better emails and provides suggestions according to the account context.?

Mistake #3

Bring LinkedIn to Salesforce. Yes, sales navigator is an amazing tool, but again and just like in the first mistake, retrieving information from the social network can be (and is) time-consuming without a proper integration.?

Think about this way: your sales reps already spent most of their time prospecting on LinkedIn. So most of their process of looking for an ICP, gathering info and creating an account and company in the CRM, takes a big part of their day and a lot of manual work. But all of this means the same amount of wasted time in clicking to jump from Salesforce to LinkedIn.


It’s quite obvious: integrate LinkedIn to Salesforce. Forget about toggling your browser to access the social network, so you can send or receive messages, check conversations automatically, and log some activity manually (profile visits or invitations sent).

Communication on Salesforce doesn't have to be a struggle for anybody. Thankfully, there are a whole set of solutions out there to make your CRM work for you and not against you. Interested in learning more about it? Check Bloobirds communications features and see how we can power up your productivity and user experience.



