3 Minutes Digest | The Happy Cyclist Is Looking To Find Another Gear Going B2B,Rebranding Ortea For Greater Local Appeal, recap Pictures, and more!
Ortea co-founders Stephan Kneip and Daniel Freichel discuss their journey in creating a unique iced tea brand in Luxembourg and how they’ve recently rebranded to better showcase the company’s values.??
?? Read the full article here ??
Bicycle repair company The Happy Cyclist continues to evolve and has recently locked in the EIB as a client. The introduction of corporate vouchers and an increased focus on B2B are some of the key parts of what’s to come for the company.
“You must think that the business development that you do now is going to pay off next year. You should be patient and realistic.”
Emmanuel P. , founder of The Happy Cyclist
?? Read the full article here : https://www.siliconluxembourg.lu/the-happy-cyclist-is-looking-to-find-another-gear-going-b2b/
?? Picture Gallery : Startup Apéro #53 with Neon Internet
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Today is ??
World Bee Day exists to educate people about the importance of bees and how they can help preserve them for the sake of the future. If you want to help save these fuzzy insects from extinction, then read down below to find out what World Bee Day is about!
Watch the new episode of The Elevator ??
And now a meme ??
That's all Folks!