3 Mindset Shifts For When You Fall Off Track
Caroline De Posada
Life Coach | Host of Bliss'n Up (Podcast) | Co-Founder of RejuvaFast
Happy Sacred Sunday!
This week was a tough one.
There was celebration (my son had a birthday) and sadness (we suffered a sudden death in the family) and busyness and all the things.
It was one of those weeks where managing all the emotions, tasks, and responsibilities can be so overwhelming that something’s gotta give.
If you are working on adopting new habits, routines, lifestyles, or combating certain personality traits, these are the circumstances that can easily knock you off track and back into the comfort of the old you.
Doesn’t have to be that way, but sometimes it happens.
For me, what hit me was a wave of what I’ll call “podcast block.” I couldn’t get myself to record a podcast episode for the upcoming week. I scoured my brain, read through my notes, and checked out potential podcast themes I jot down along the way, but I couldn’t connect to any of it.
So, I continued to procrastinate, which is a personality trait I have been actively eliminating from my life.
I didn’t mention this on the podcast, but I’ll share with you here … I’ve even created incentives to ensure I don’t procrastinate.
For example, my editor and I agreed on imposing a late/rush fee for any episodes that are submitted past a deadline each week. But even that didn’t grease the wheels this week. I had fallen out of flow and was struggling to get back on.
This can be a pivotal moment in your journey to self improvement. Whether you’re working on your habits, lifestyle, relationships, or business, this can trigger the all-or-nothing mentality, which can spiral you into shame and blame and can easily cause you to quit.
That’s why a resilient mindset matters.
This experience prompted me to share the 3 mindset shifts I used to get me through this week’s derail and save me from quitting altogether.
(Maybe next week I’ll share the 3 actions that kept me from quitting on myself and the podcast. Stay tuned!)