3 magic ingredients to control Turnover. (First delivery)
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I will have to divide the following article into 2 parts to understand the phenomenon of Personnel Turnover to its deepest roots. Today May 21 I publish the first part and on May 28 the second and last.
Part one "Empower the HR leader"
In Organizations, personnel turnover is one of the key objectives to impact. Industries where labor intensity is crucial for products to be manufactured or sold. HR Leaders are regularly demanded to the maximum to keep this indicator under control.
But, before listing the causes that keep turnover out of control, we need to break down the elements that we will have to train HR Leaders with so that they can contribute and be part of the solution.
Actions against this problem are constantly required without questioning the current role of HR and knowing if it has the necessary time frames for a good diagnosis of the situation and possible alternative solutions.
Please observe the current role of HR and you may realize that is inundated with transactions of little value to your clients, but that someone must do them for the operation to maintain its continuity.
These transactions keep HRBP attached to their office with few opportunities to do fieldwork. So, the premise is to analyze and turn around the current HR role and at the same time initiate or reinforce HRBP training to achieve the capabilities to perform the new role with high effectiveness.
From my experience, I comment that the installation of the new role will require new capabilities in the HRBP and if we refuse the above, then the new role will never be executed, and we will return to the tasks of the past.
It is very simple; the execution of new tasks will lead us to different results. I assure you that customers will immediately feel the differentiated service and it will be the beginning to effectively impact indicators such as turnover.
But how to bring the new role to real life?
Next, I list the 8 actions to consider in the Strategic Plan for the creation of the new HR role:
- Detail the current role of HR and identify non-value transactions.
- Use technology to withdraw maximum non-value transactions from the current HR role.
- Identify the freed times when withdrawing these transactions.
- Select the new processes to be targeted by the HR area.
- Insert these new tasks in the free spaces.
- Give training to HRBP on issues aligned with this new focus.
- Establish regular audits to ensure that the new role is respected.
- As far as possible, establish a flexible compensation process in HR.
Step number 2 is crucial because many of the transactions will be eliminated using new systems that will have to be created or bought in the market. The creation of a back-office is recommended to manage these systems and some repetitive transactions difficult to schedule.
I hope this first part has met your expectations and moves you into action. The second part already puts us in a position to be able to analyze in detail the 3 magic ingredients to control turnover.
I am at your service on my social networks and on my phone in case of doubts or wanting to delve into the subject.
Thank you for your attention and have a great week.
Pablo Gerardo Zayas Blanco
Cel 656 2375686