3 Little-Known Email Copywriting Techniques That Are Almost Guaranteed To Boost Your Lists’ Response Today!

3 Little-Known Email Copywriting Techniques That Are Almost Guaranteed To Boost Your Lists’ Response Today!

Wouldn’t you like to know the secret to get more responses from your list that REALLY worked—and in any situation?

Have YOU ever wished you knew the secret to easily, almost magically, follow-up with anyone who inquired or downloaded your free report or lead magnet from your site?

Do you TRULY know how to REVIVE a lead gone cold that once was a promising prospect but now flatlined, or do you honestly just hit send—and cross your fingers, hoping for a reply?

If this sounds like you, then try these…

3 Little-Known Email Copywriting Techniques That Are Almost Guaranteed To Boost Your Lists’ Response Today!

You know, email is a compulsively addictive technology to refrain the human brain from checking. The so-called “experts” have been predicting email demise for more than a decade now—despite many studies showing that people still value it.

So, despite conventional wisdom, people STILL check their emails. We just need to get them to open, engage, and respond to ours more often…

The good news is, here’s a simple three-step method (inspired by top email marketer Dean Jackson), you can use to get more people to respond and reply to your emails.

  1.  Use a short interrogative (question) statement in the subject line, no more than 9-words, if possible: for example, If you’re a public university, and you want to reengage a student who didn’t complete their master’s degree application on your website, you could write, “Hi Stacy…Are you still looking for a master’s program?”
  2. In the body of your emails…be short and personal, like you’re communicating with one person at a time: you want your email recipient to feel like they’re the only person in the world getting your email.
  3. Write your emails in a one-to-one conversational tone: to do this, treat each email you send exactly like a one-on-one conversation. So, often, I see businesses word their emails like they’re speaking to a group. Like they’re broadcasting or announcing their messages. A simple and creative way to avoid this is to imagine that you’ve coincidently run into an email recipient (in person) at a café, and you just react by voluntarily starting up a dialogue, expecting them to respond naturally to every question you’d ask.

So, now that you’ve read this easy three-step method to get more and better email responses—I probably know what you’re thinking. You’re probably saying to yourself, “This is common sense,” right?

But, how often have YOU found that what IS common sense is often not common practice…

But hey! If you know a few more simple email marketing techniques that’ll get more response, leave them below. What could I have added? What did I leave out? Let me know.

The Maven of Mail


