3 limiting beliefs about addressing your gender pay gap

3 limiting beliefs about addressing your gender pay gap

1. 'What's the one thing we can do to close our gender pay gap?' I get asked this a lot and the truth is, it's never just one thing. Your gender pay gap is too nuanced to have one single solution. There are too many variables, too many moving parts.

? So instead of looking for that 'one' thing, focus on a number of interconnected things. Think of it like an eco-system, interconnected to each other and other parts of your organisational operations. Remember all the actions you take have ripple effects, so focus on multiple solutions not just one.

2. Thinking that you have total control over your gender pay gap figure e.g that simply hiring more women or having 50/50 gender recruitment shortlists will solve the issue.

Your gender pay gap is a living part of your organisation, subject to quick changes and slow changes. There are aspects that as a HR professional, you have little control over that can make your pay gap figure go up or down. Things such as mergers, redundancies, exits, rapid growth, inidividuals' career choices, and so on. A lot of these things are out of your control but could impact your figure either way.

This is why I always advise organisations to focus on one thing:

? Success measures beyond the reduction of your pay gap figure by focusing on the things that you do have control over. Mainly - your workplace culture and equitable career progression.

Wanting to reduce your pay gap figure is great, but it cannot be the sole focus that determines your success.

3. Believing that because it may take years to see any pay gap reduction, it's too long so isn't worth the effort.

?? Real talk here. Your gender pay gap today was years in the making. It is the result of big and small decisions compounded to get to where you are today. So yes, it may take years to see any results - or the results you want.

You need to be prepared for this and manage expectations. Our clients typically see results anything between 1 to 3 years after working with us. But what we do together is build in micro-successes along the way, to keep momentum and accountability going.

? When working with new and existing clients, these are the types of issues that we discuss. It's important that you understand the context of your gender pay gap and what it reflects back to you about your organisation. This will differ from organisation to organisation. Our approach focuses on getting this part right, so that we can find the right decisions and success measures that make sense for your organisation.

To work with me personally and build a pay gap strategy that is right for your organisation book a consultation call with me?here .

Until next time,


Beyond the Pay Gap Figure Podcast

Episode 10. ‘Pay Transparency, A Misunderstood Force for Good’

In this episode I discuss Pay Transparency. What it means and how it is becoming more of a business-critical topic, rather than just a 'nice to have'

'Most people, when they hear the words, the dreaded words, pay transparency, their mind immediately flips to, oh my gosh. The entire world is going to know everybody's salary, including mine. And I can't have that, but I'm going to tell you something that's going to blow your mind.'

Speaking Engagement!

26th July

Podcast recording: From a Woman to a Leader Podcast Recording

Gender pay gap portal

Online gender pay gaps basics training

Are you new to addressing gender pay gaps? Are you tearing your hair out because you don’t know where to start? Well I,’ve got you covered. Before diving into creating your pay gap strategy you need to ensure that you understand what the pay gap is, what creates it, and how it shows up in organisations. Once you have these foundations, you can begin to consider what strategy you will create to address the issues.

This online gender pay gap basics training not only gives you easily implementable insights such as:

? What the gender pay gap is

? How it differs to equal pay

? How to address pay gap fatigue within your organisation

? Actions you can take to address your pay gap causes

It also gives you strategies like:

? How to effectively communicate your purpose

? How to build trust to improve employee engagement

? Ways to embed to ensure transparency and accountability.

You won’t find these anywhere else online or off!

To gain access to this training, simply click?here ?to access it today.


