The 3 Lies Big Group Health Insurance Companies want you to believe!
Chad Ourso
Insurance Executive I Problem Solver I Entrepreneur I Personal Development Ninja I National Speaker I Marathon Runner I Race Car ??? Driver
Working with Big Health Insurance Companies has its benefits right? We often hear about these benefits when meeting with HR Leaders and Benefits Specialists. Big Name, Big Pocketbook, and staying power. BUT What are they not telling you?
- 15-20% Renewals on your Company Plan is Normal: This lie is told because the system that the 4 Large US Health Insurance Companies have created is Broken. United, Cigna, Aetna, and Blue Cross have used competition and inflation to create reimbursement amounts that will continue to raise THEIR cost of health insurance! Their system is broken. The rest of the system works well!!!!
Why does this matter?
SmartCare has reimbursements 200% below Blue Cross or United for the Same Surgery with the Same Doctor at the Same Surgery Center. READ THAT AGAIN. Now think about which insurance companies rates' are lower? Our annual premiums for clients is 20-25% below a BIG 4 Insurance Company. And will be lower at renewal time. SmartCare renewals are 0-5% for this reason!
2. Their financials somehow help them pay bigger claims better. This is the myth that bigger insurance companies can more easily pay bigger claims. The concept on the surface makes sense. You have heard of them, you have a brand to go after when things go sideways etc. The Reality is this: They are passing their claims to a reinsurer (a claims payer) just like the lesser known companies. This is not to say go pick a fly by night insurance company. It is just to point out that a company Like SmartCare is using OdysseyRe, a 3.7 Billion Dollar Claims paying firm with top ratings! Don't let just a name cause you to pay $20,000 more per year for your Group Health Insurance! That provides some comfort using one of the top reinsurers in the world (the same one the BIG 4 use!
3. The Big 4 Insurance Companies are the only way to get Group Health (ERISA and ACA) Plans: This is simply not true anymore. The days of $500 United Deductibles and $5 Copays to go to the Doctor are over. There are 100s of reliable options for your business outside of your norm. We are glad to help you and your business take a look at those options to compare to your current solutions. We partner with your Benefits Specialists and have a team of Benefits Specialists that can assist with the review.