3 Levers for Growing Sales
3 Levers for Growing Sales - from Chad Jardine (CEO, CMO Zen)

3 Levers for Growing Sales

There are three—and only three—levers that grow sales.

1. Increase the number of new customers.?

The key to growth is growing the number of people who buy from you. The earlier your company is, the more that?awareness?is the key marketing goal from which all other objectives spring.

2. Increase the size of transactions.?

This could be a pricing adjustment, add-ons, up-sells, and cross-sells, or reconfiguring your product. Consider what it takes to make your customer happily part with more money each time they transact with you. A good example of this in the B2B SaaS setting is?creating negative churn.

3. Increase the frequency of transactions.?

Is there something that would make customers return more often? In a retail or e-commerce B2C setting, you can create incentives for repeat buying and loyalty.?

B2B SaaS is about attacking customer churn (increasing the frequency from zero repeat transactions). Remember - frequency is more of an optimization than a primary driver.?

Think through the three levers and see if an idea for increasing sales numbers doesn’t stand out to you...

...what did you come up with?

Want to learn more about boosting revenue and sales?

Check out more of Chad Jardine 's work over at the CMO Zen blog.


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