John Arthur
Avid Reader || Writer || Friendship Expert || Founder, The School Of Friendship || Author, "Who is your friend?"
"If you can be content with yourself without the urgent need for others, then you're a friend to yourself." - John Arthur
The benefits of Self-friendship are self-love, self-acceptance, and self-importance. Those who are friends with themselves often like themselves.
They are happy with themselves, and feel terrific of who they are. But those who not friends with themselves often despise themselves.
Friendship with self has 3 different levels that make it a unique relationship. These levels of relationship are progressive. Which means your success in one affects the other.
3 Levels Of Friendship With Yourself
At this level, your friendship with yourself will make you satisfied with who you are. It helps you to see yourself as a whole, complete and unique person.
You therefore don't need another person to feel important if you're a friend to yourself. You experience peace, and a great level of satisfaction by just being who you are, and enjoying yourself without others.
At this level of friendship with yourself, your experience of self-satisfaction gives you the urge to want to share your life with others. It helps you to become friends with others.
It helps you to understand that your love for a friendship with others is not by force or compulsion, but by your own choice. Jess C. Scott says, “Friends are the family you choose."
Self-friendship helps you to exercise your choice to choose your own friends.
"We love him, because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19). Friendship is an important relationship because it comes out of our will. If someone chooses you as their friend, they've given you a great privilege in their life. Honour it.
This is the level of friendship with yourself where you go out of your will to add value to others. You've accepted who you, share your love with other and now go the extra mile to make a difference in their lives.
Those who are not friends with themselves cannot give themselves away. At this level of friendship, you don't compete with people; you enter people's lives and complete or complement their areas of gifting.
If you are not a friend to yourself, you'll depend on your friends to feel valuable. But if you're friends with yourself, you find ways to add value to your friends.
Which level are you now? Are you at the 1st level where you only enjoy being with yourself? Or you are at the 2nd level where you are just in friendship with others and it ends there?
Or you are at the 3rd level where your life is so big for you to keep it to yourself, so you are now making positive impacts on others? Which level of friendship are you with yourself?