3 Lessons you learned outside of school and 1 you still haven't

3 Lessons you learned outside of school and 1 you still haven't

Things you weren't taught in school:

1) Financial Literacy

2) How to value a Lesson Learned over a Grade Earned

3) Emotional Intelligence

4) Self-Healing Practices for More Energy and Vitality

I have spoken to many business owners and they ALL possess the first 3 qualities.

You held yourself ACCOUNTABLE for your finances and got yourself educated on the subject, for business and personal life, maybe with the help of some books or a mentor.

You held yourself ACCOUNTABLE for your education and learned lessons that called out to you as important or interesting, probably getting average to below average grades in school due to pure boredom in the classroom. You learned more lessons from life experiences than you ever did sitting at a classroom desk.

You held yourself ACCOUNTABLE for learning to keep your emotions under control while making big life or business decisions, which is probably the hardest of the lessons mentioned.

All of this knowledge that you found your way to learning is something that you, no doubt, are proud and eager to give to your children, and rightfully so! That knowledge to be proud of giving to your loved ones, family or other.

...Because that knowledge is HELPFUL and IMPORTANT!

Self-Reliance, especially for the physical body, is surely another area of competency you will be proud to share with your family!

The point is that you MADE A POINT to learn a very SPECIFIC SKILL to take care of a very SPECIFIC and IMPORTANT area of you life.

You had the capacity to learn and found the resources to accumulate the necessary knowledge.

There is no more important area in your life as YOUR OWN ENERGY.

You have the capacity to cultivate Higher Vibrations + More Energy already within you.

The DAOTHLETIC Method was designed SPECIFICALLY to bridge the gap between your capacity for that knowledge and your embodiment and sharing of that knowledge.


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