3 Keys to a Meaningful Humanitarian Event
Some may call it “Giving Back,” Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), or as the Marriott Corp. calls it, “Spirit to Serve.” All these have one main goal — to serve the impoverished, undereducated, and abused in our communities both here and abroad. For an incentive trip where participants have earned the opportunity to be involved, including a humanitarian project can be particularly powerful.
Recently while traveling and serving on back-to-back humanitarian service events, I identified some key factors that make these experiences so meaningful for both the receiver and the giver.
Here are those 3 Keys:
Make it personal wherever possible. In choosing a humanitarian event partner, look for those that provide opportunities to get to know those you will serve in advance. If possible, work to assign your event participants 1-2 people that they can take care of with donations and other supplies. On a recent event in Costa Rica, we partnered with a specialized home that shelters and educates girls rescued from sexual trafficking, child pornography, and homes with drug and other substance abuse. Our event participants were assigned 1-2 girls in advance and were supplied with pictures and approximate height and sizes, so they could prepare their donations before the trip. In turn, the shelter provided information to the girls about the people who were assigned to them. It’s difficult to describe the feeling when these two groups met for the first time, but the room felt electrified. There was an instant connection as they recognized each other immediately and, though there was a language barrier on both sides, were all able to feel of each other’s love. The connection was made in advance!
Give 2 days (or more) of service. This is huge! Find a location that needs lots of service from hard labor/landscaping, to painting or cleaning, to education. Make sure there is plenty to do so that you fill up those days and provide a diversity of tasks that can be performed by those of all ages and abilities. On the same event in Costa Rica, the qualifying guests were all women who brought spouses and significant others. It was obvious from our arrival on the first day that the girls were a bit standoffish towards the men, and based on their background, who could blame them! When we arrived for the second day of work, we noticed a change in their behavior as they began to interact with the men as the day progressed. By the end of the second day, as we were saying our goodbyes, many of the girls gave us huge hugs. The second day of service made all the difference for the girls at the home and proved to them that there are some amazing men in this world that they could learn to trust
Choose a charity whose donations really reach those in need. Look to partner with a charity where a very high percentage of their donations make it to their target population or cause, 90% or higher if possible. Most charities keep their stats on file, so they can show you exactly where the donations go. March 2017 in Ghana, we partnered up with Ghana Make a Difference. 100% of their donations make it to the kids at their shelter, to their school lunch program, and to the social, medical, and dental programs they provide. This program is backed by amazing people who, with their own funds, built their facility from the ground up. It’s organizations like these that have the true spirit of love and service for mankind.
Humanitarian events coupled with your next travel incentive are an awesome way to infuse your participants and qualifiers with a feeling of service and to provide an unforgettable experience that will have them reminiscing for years to come and looking forward to their next opportunity to give!