3 Key Thoughts : Working from Home
FangKai Low 卢方凯
Headhunter/ Global Trainer/ Tedx Speaker/ICF Coach (ACC)/ TikTok & XHS Influencer
Since the announcement of CMCO, our team at VHR has started working from home. For many traditional businesses, working from home was really a big no-no until MCO pushed us to do so.
Here are my 3 key thoughts about working from home:
1. People are the most valuable asset
To me, a business is nothing without the team, this is the same for VHR. In VHR, the people are the most valuable asset, and it is my responsibility to make sure that they’re well taken care of.
By working from home, it reduces my team’s movements commuting from home to work, hence reducing the risk of being exposed to the virus.
There’s a famous Chinese proverbs “留得青山在,不怕没柴烧”. The literal translation is “As long as the green hills remain, there'll be no shortage of firewood.”
As long as there’s a team standing, there’s always a future for VHR.
2. Have proper KPI in place
Since everyone will be working from home, there are stricter KPIs put in place to ensure that everyone is equally productive while working from home.
We set quantifiable measurements (eg. number of calls), and we have a pulse check every Friday, where the team submit their respective output.
These check-ins are done as a team so that everyone knows each other’s output, holding one another accountable to their results.
3. Putting everyone on the same page
On the first day working from home, I did a scenario planning exercise with everyone, drawing a quadrant for them.
This is a strategic planning practice that is very important for a leader to lead yourself to go into uncertain water.
It got the team to think what will be the potential worst case scenario, how should that react if that happens, and what measures need to be taken.
It also shows everyone clearly that if we’re not alert, we can all go into deep waters. Our strategy now is to make sure that we are able to survive with all the consultants, the clients and also the candidates.
By setting everyone on the same page, we all know that working from home doesn’t mean we can enjoy it, it means that we have to strive even harder to ride through this period.
Hope that everyone is coping well. If your first round of working from home with the team didn’t turn out so well, try some of these practices.
Stay safe!