3 Key Things I Have Learned In Marketing To Get Off The Ground

3 Key Things I Have Learned In Marketing To Get Off The Ground

I have learned some things since 2014 in Marketing PS - look how crappy those designs are up top. Could you really put that next to a $500M company big organization and compete? Well, I did and thats why I won early and was able to compete. Consumers are different and online trust is brutal with new companies so stop BEING FAKE EARLY!!!

Let me share some issues in the start up industry that led me to becoming what I believe one of the most innovative marketers in the world.

I am unique, I believe in transparency and strive for empathy.... I don't care about PR early, false growth does nothing for me... In fact, going to the core creates so much growth you may not even get to social media because you are collecting so many orders and leads... But you can't do that by being fake!

Here is what some of the problems are (keep in mind this is off the top of the head, not going to be perfect- I need to rehash to get back to my beliefs):

  1. Everyone does what everyone else does - what do I mean? Hey you need nice graphics or it wont sell, you need this as title, you need that. That is huge problem. But great opportunity for some nobody from Cincinnati to sneak in and get to #1 home gym with the big dogs like TRX, Nautilus, Marcy Home Gym, etc
  2. I hate when I see people act like they aren't talking to a human. Its so fake like what. No one will open up that email again
  3. Lack of transparency, like of human talking in your marketing means lack of connection. LACK OF CONNECTION MEANS LACK OF INNOVATION!!! Innovation comes from you being so in tune with your existing clients you can innovate 6 months before they know and truly care about their results

So flip those now and you have how I market. Enjoy you will feel so good about yourself! It gets super fun. And oh yeah notice how I didn't talk about New Leads, New Customers?

Focus on getting your customers to like you so much they refer their friends without even asking. Forces you to be on point every time and think towards the future!! INNOVATION!

I believe business is more than business. We are put on this Earth to make a difference. Our duty is to impact the world. - Ross


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