3 Key Steps To Writing Your Book
Rethink Press
Transform Your Business With Your Own Book | Nothing Sells You Like A Book… And Nobody Builds Books like Rethink Press
The 3 P’s?of Writing YOUR Book
Perhaps you’ve always known what your book is going to be about; maybe you wake up with a new idea for a book every morning; or it could be that you’ve been struggling to come up with what feels like the right idea for any book. In any case, by the end of this article you’ll know exactly what the right book is for you to write right now.?
It takes just three things to get clarity about what book you should be writing now: we’ll show you how to establish who your ideal client is – the?person?you’re writing for; what their?pain?– their central question or problem – is; and how to make your book the answer or solution that will satisfy their needs and make them want to come to you for more – your big?promise.?
Person – your ideal client?
The important first step is to clarify exactly who you are writing your book for. Some authors with a broad subject matter can be tempted to say their book is for ‘anyone and everyone’. Even a traditional publisher, looking for maximum retail sales, won’t be happy with that answer – every book must be sold from a section or shelf in a bookshop, or a handful of categories on Amazon. But for a business book author, who has other reasons for publishing than to achieve retail sales, it is better to focus on one or two ideal clients as the reader you are addressing.?
Try to define your ideal client’s age range, gender, and circumstances, and then give a name to a current, past or future ideal client. From this information, it can be helpful to create an avatar of your ideal client – the individual you would love to work with if you have a B2C business, or the decision-maker in a business you would most like as a client if you work B2B. They may be a theoretical concept at this point, or they could be someone you know but haven’t contacted yet, or someone who has already been your client and who’s the type of client you’d like to attract more of. Write a description, draw a picture, or find an actual photo of this client, then keep it in your line of vision as you write your book as a one-to-one conversation with that person. It will also help you find your author voice when you start writing.?
Niching your book to a single person won’t restrict your audience – it will just direct your valuable information to the people most valuable to you.?
Pain – your ideal client’s central question?
The second part of positioning your book is to establish the central question or problem that your ideal client avatar has.?
Write down the top three reasons your clients come to work with you, and/or the three most frequent questions your prospects and clients ask you.?
Knowing and appealing to your ideal client’s under- lying problems tells you the position they will be in when they’re going to come looking for help through your book; the point in their business or personal journey at which you need to meet them with your solution. This is their central question.?
Promise – your big promise to your reader?
Thirdly, ask yourself, what is your promise to your reader when they’ve read your book? What is the underlying solution that all your ideal clients will want you to provide??
To identify that, you need to unpack exactly how you improve their business, work or life. What is the unique solution that you offer your clients; how does it differ from other solutions or challenge conventional wisdom in your area? Write down the three top solutions or interventions you provide to the majority of your clients. List the benefits your readers or ideal clients will get if they take your advice or implement your solution.?
This is your big promise, and the subject matter of the book you should be writing right now.?
Find out how you could build your business with your very own book – Comment below or Register for our next Bookbuilder Programme starting Monday 9th May!