3 Key Aspects of Intentional Leadership
Dean Crisp
Law Enforcement Leader | Leadership Instructor | Former Police Chief | Bestselling Author | Keynote Speaker | "Straight Talk on Leadership" Podcast Host
"With four generations occupying a variety of positions up & down the organization, today’s intentional leader must understand the mindsets and motivations of each"
In our Intentional Leadership class, we focus on a great deal on the aspects of leading with purpose. Leaders who act with intention, are often those individuals within the organization who demonstrate key characteristics that separate them from others. We talk about making a decision on the type of leader you want to be with most intentional leaders desiring to be significant or having a positive impact on the organization long after they have departed.
While there are many that we discuss during our 3-day class, in this blog I going to suggest that there are 3 key aspects or tips that every intentional leader is focused on improving every day. They fall into three areas of demonstrating a Commitment to Personal Growth; an ability to Communicate Ideas to Others Effectively and Enthusiastically; and an ability and desire to Connect with people to achieve common goals. Let’s take a closer look at each:
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