3 interactive and engaging webinars

3 interactive and engaging webinars

Support, training and mentoring programme for community sports providers such as clubs, social enterprises and community coaches on how to provide great community experiences.

 The three one-hour webinars will bring together anyone interested in developing a stronger network and skills base together with case studies and presentations from social prescribers.

Connecting Communities 1 18th March 10 am BST 

How community sports and physical activity providers can engage better with social prescribers and others to get older people active and engaged

Svend Elkjaer, Director/Founder, Sports Marketing Network

Beth Mitchell, Active Ageing Lead, GreaterSport Manchester

As our older population is growing there are great opportunities for the wider community sports and physical sector to play a bigger role in solving some of the physical, mental and social health challenges that our older population is facing, especially as a consequence of COVID.

Svend Elkjaer will highlight how the many that this is already happening and how it could be developed and improved, especially in the ‘new normal world’.

The Greater Manchester Active Ageing programme, led by GreaterSport, worked to embed a new approach. Their approach supported the Greater Manchester ethos a ‘doing with’ rather than ‘doing to’. This involved co-designing and co-producing services with and for older people, working to understand the motivations and barrier to physical activity. We adopted a ‘test and learn’ approach across 8 different pilots within 8 different localities across Greater Manchester.

Beth Mitchell will highlight the key findings documented in the learning report and the next steps for active ageing in Greater Manchester.

Beth Mitchell’s role is to share and embed the learnings from the programme, and drive active ageing across Greater Manchester by embedding this within our whole system approach.

Connecting Communities 2 15th April, 10 am BST

Raising the profile of community sports and physical activity providers as places and partners for engaging with inactive and unengaged people

Svend Elkjaer, Director/Founder, Sports Marketing Network

It has been claimed that community sports providers could, and should, be more involved with providing social prescribing services and that they are not visible enough with social prescribers.

So, there are great opportunities and scope for local clubs and groups providing community sport and physical activity to raise their profile with GPs, social prescribers and link workers to increase their awareness of and engagement with those clubs and groups.

This webinar will highlight with community sport and physical activity providers can create community networks, develop shared values and how everybody could benefit from that.

Connecting Communities 3 20th May, 10 am BST

Developing new partnerships and initiatives to engage more people in innovative ways

Svend Elkjaer, Director/Founder, Sports Marketing Network

Clare Cool, Regional Manager, SPRING Social Prescribing

Community sports and physical activity providers and social prescriber could benefit from developing partnerships with many new partners, such as housing, patient associations and indeed major retailers as the latter have community engagement, customers, branding and car parks and often employ Community Champions and with other community-focused businesses.

Svend Elkjaer will give participants case-studies and ideas and tools on how to take their social prescribing programme to a different level by engaging with a wide range of community partners.

SPRING Social Prescribing is a national partnership between Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing (SCHW) and The Healthy Living Centre Alliance (HLCA) in Northern Ireland. It involves 24 well-established community-led health and wellbeing improvement organisations across Scotland and Northern Ireland.

SPRING helps people 18+ to address social, emotional and practical needs, by connecting them to sources of support, within their local community to improve their health and wellbeing

GPs, Primary Care health professionals and pharmacists* refer patients to SPRING Social Prescribing, who are suffering from; social isolation, low mood, mild depression, long term conditions or physical inactivity.

SPRING Social Prescribing has adapted to continue offering community supports to people throughout the Coronavirus pandemic. Supports offered include:

? One to one contact (telephone, text, video link or social distance visits)

? Online wellbeing workshops

? Counselling

? Physical activities

? Small or virtual peer support groups for those with long term   conditions

? Small or virtual arts and horticultural groups

? Financial advice and guidance 

To book your places go here https://tinyurl.com/4cn3v55h


