3 Indicators You Need to Consider Change
Blue Elite LLP
Ready to get unstuck in your career? We help you gain clarity & confidence through strengths-based career coaching.
While some people are very self-aware and know when they feel unfulfilled, most people do not. They experience symptoms of being unfulfilled, which emphasises the feelings associated with dissatisfaction but doesn’t get to the driving force behind the feelings.
Symptoms like:
?●????? Fighting with family and friends
●????? Increased dissatisfaction with activities that used to be exciting
●????? Checking out emotionally
●????? Avoidance
●????? Unexplained sadness, tiredness or fatigue
●????? Dreading going to work
These symptoms may signal a bigger, deeper issue - being unfulfilled. These 3 indicators can alert you to whether or not you may be personally unfulfilled. They are:
These underlying feelings may express themselves outwardly in the symptoms above. Let’s look at how.
Boredom - Boredom is a troublemaker that takes otherwise fully functional professionals leaving them underwhelmed and disengaged because they're not tapping into their true potential. Bored professionals are restless and at risk for disruptive and destructive behaviors. Like a child who has outpaced his classmates is likely to act out, so is an adult who is under-stimulated at work and has no outlet for expressing themselves.
Anger - Anger is a cousin to boredom. It is often one of the results of being bored and underwhelmed. Most anger comes from fear. Fears that may or may not be realized. An unfulfilled person may develop resentment towards others and take out their frustrations at work and at home; hurting the ones they care about most. If you find yourself chipping away at others to soothe your inner turmoil, your anger may be an expression of feeling unfulfilled.
Sadness - Sadness is an alternative reaction to anger. Instead of lashing out, boredom and the unfulfilled areas of life create an inward sadness that causes depression and all the associated problems that come with it, including but not limited to over or under-eating, sleeping too much or too little, relationship issues, coming to work late, dreading Mondays and more. Sometimes generalized sadness can be a symptom of being unfulfilled.
If life has got you feeling bored, angry, or sad, it’s probably a good time to take a deep look and get honest about your personal fulfillment. Addressing an area where you want more out of life is an important step in self-care. Your inner-self knows there’s more. It’s up to you to seek out and find new and better ways to be more fulfilled, challenged, and excited about life.
Did we miss any signs that show someone needs a change? Let us know in the comments below ????