3 Honey Styles to Detect a Hacker
Dr. Shekhar Pawar
Founder & CEO @ SecureClaw Inc (USA) & SecureClaw IT and Cybersecurity (India)??? Doctorate in Cybersecurity from SSBM Switzerland ?? We Offer???Virtual CISO | VAPT | SAST | BDSLCCI | Software Development | Teleservices
Flowers attract bees with their bright colors and sweet smells. Bees benefit from collected nectar which is a mixture of plant sugars and water from them. The production of honey by bees involves several chemical processes, including digestion, regurgitation, enzyme activity and evaporation. Oh, I am talking more like biology class student now. Let me speak in simple words as one sentence that honey bee as name suggests is concerned about honey, hence she travels long way and do all hard work to gather it. Similar way, most popular and effective techniques to detect a hacker have names starting from honey which attracts bees aka cyber hackers.
These types of techniques help in detecting attacker making a server or subnet as his or her target. The whole purpose of such a system is to be a decoy target. An attack of decoy provides early warning to appropriate personnel.
Couple of points to be noted before going to different methods of decoy. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) is widely used now days against hackers. Host based IDPS monitors activity on a particular computer host or device such as a router. Network IDPS observe traffic in the similar form of sniffer. It monitors activity across a network link. This information will be helpful for you to understand this article further.
Below are three key styles of decoys.
- Honey Bits:
Honey bits are unused data files intended for a hacker to access within a system.
If you did the setup of a file folder directory structure of a Microsoft server, it can be one of example of it. Hacker will be using these files to escalate access, other than that no one is using it.
Trick is, the system will give an alert of intrusion once it detects any related file access.
2. Honey Pot:
Honey pot is a sacrificial computer or server placed in such a manner as to attract the interest of the attacker.
The honey pot computer or server has no legitimate business value other than giving alert to the organization about an attack performed. Based on deployment honeypots can be grouped as either of research honeypots, production honeypots, high interaction, low interaction honeypots. Other types may be pure honeypots, malware honeypots, spam honeypots, email traps, database honeypot, client honeypot etc.
Generally, these honey pot uses Host-based IDPS with Network-based IDPS on its subnet. By monitoring traffic to honey pot, you can better understand where cyber-criminals are coming from, how they operate and what they want. As a benefit, it can give you inputs as which security measures you have in place are working properly and where you will need improvements in security as whole picture.
3. Honey Net:
Honey net is a sacrificial subnet with a few machines designed to attract the interest of the cyber attacker. In other words, it is a network set up with intentional vulnerabilities which is kept with the purpose to invite attack. As no real production activities are taken in place for honey net, all traffic from it is considered as suspicious.
It helps to study an attacker's activities and methods. That information can be used to increase network security within organization. Main purpose of honey net is to allow security personnel the opportunity for advance notice of a potential attack against real production.
GrassDew IT Solutions Pvt Ltd provides software solution services, IT / cybersecurity services, consulting services, digital marketing and knowledge services.
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