3-Golden RULE for Success Oriented Youth
1. Your bad past is your past and there is nothing you can do about it, However, do not take it forward by sharing the past with others for whatever reasons… It does two harm unconsciously in your relation-ship with others.
– Harm to you because it brings the past into your future and by law of attraction, you will always attract what you talk about irrespective of it been good or bad past. It will always bring it in the future if care is not taking. So STOP sharing your Past with friends!
– It harm your audience because your word is not ordinary word but a seed sown to them unknowingly and when they start thinking about it…they also activate law of attraction unknowingly.
2. Always watch your relationship with opposite Sex irrespective of barriers in Age or status. Opposite sex is always opposite SEX. Stay at domain of friendship and not get involve personally and emotionally in other people business or matters especially when it comes to opposite sex …and even if they are married or they are your mentors. So guard with all diligence your HEART and always watchful so as not to interfere in the emotions of others.
3. Learn and unlearn and relearn Relationship Management. It will surely help you in dealing with others. We need RELATION -SHIP to take us to the next destination. However, poor relationship management always result in disaster of life and destiny
Copied from tinkinDIFERENTIA Group blog