3 Fundamental Stages Of Spiritual Tests

3 Fundamental Stages Of Spiritual Tests

Every being on earth has a higher purpose and calling that transcend beyond the limits of the physical world. When God or the creator calls a man the first thing he does is to reveal himself first, not revealing your destiny but revealing himself. The reason why the creator insists we have an experiential relationship with him first, is because for every dimension of glory and influence there are dynamics of living in every realm of leadership and growth that if you don’t have an experience and relationship with the creator, you’d not last. The creator looks at our spiritual capacity and energy and in his infinite mercy and compassion, he hides one and prune him before exposing him to his destiny. There are certain realms of influence that demons and unclean spirits operate in that technically activates these diabolic spirits, once one isn’t rooted in God, it’s impossible to sustain wealth in such level. The higher the level, the deeper the attacks. One is a spiritual being, on a journey and quest to seek freedom through spirituality. One’s Ife is far greater than one could ever imagine. However this grandeur of one’s spiritual journey comes with its own set of challenges, a tests that unveils spiritual wisdom, a test of strength contributes to the magnitude of one’s divine purpose. Hence, these are the three universal tests that shapes a spiritual being.

  1. The Test Of Detachments: We all have that people, place or things that are treasures we clutch close to our hearts. We all have that one person or persons, that amazing memory we’ve made with them and that we cherish more so often, we all have jobs or even an idea that we hold close to our hearts, however love and attachments are natural human emotions, they become problematic when the focus shifts inti idolisation. Anything one becomes so attached to that one feels they cant do without, becomes an idol. A distraction steering you away from your true purpose, the moment one profess their inability to live without something the universe listens carefully and intensely. Like a signal, our words and thoughts sounds a bell in the spiritual realm, you’re essentially calling forth a lesson that yay need to learn. Spiritual tests are the universe’s way of checking where your heart truly lies. Are you committed to your higher purpose or are you entangled un the web of earthly attachments. If one feels their existence will be jeopardised without someone or something, the universe will inevitably show you otherwise. You’ll face different yet enlightening experience of being without that very thing or person, not as means of form of punishments but as way to grow to grow and rediscover who you are. This is the universe’s way of teaching you to be your own person, complete and whole in your own right. This concept echoes through the teaching of many philosophical and spiritual doctrines, from Buddhism advocacy for non attachment, to stoicism’s encouragement for emotional resilience. The universe in its finite and infinite wisdom will test your readiness to release even those things you consider vital to your identity. These tests serves to reveal whether you’re placing trees attachments above your soul’s ultimate mission before entrusting you with larger responsibilities or greater spiritual wisdom, the universe wants to know. This pivotal moments determines if one’s heart is fixated on temporary earthly gains that you forget the grandeur journey you’re on. It’s a test of focus, a question of who and what you serve, however if one willingly chooses to enslave themselves to their attachments by refusing to participate in the grand design of life, they’re certainly not ready to move with the flow of spiritual growth. Every being is born with spiritual wings, however we choose to crawl through life. The grand invitation of life encourages us to go beyond the mundane and the material to embrace one’s higher calling. And for every attachments you release and for every idol you break, brings you one step closer to flying. The goal isn’t to accumulate love or passion, but to prevent them from becoming a barrier and a problem towards one’s purpose. One is not defined by the things they hold, but by the wings they spread. Each time one successfully navigate through a spiritual test, one becomes wiser, stronger, and more intone with themselves. One become fixated on the fact that you are the universe itself, not just a small being created by the universe, but a being that encompasses the universe in a physical body.
  2. The Test Of Patience: When you’re having to wait longer than expected, it’s all for a reason. We live in the age of immediacy where every desire seems just a click away. We’re programmed to taking shortcuts and urgency when we need something almost immediately. The idea of waiting for something valuable has become almost outdated. We’ve been trained to expect quick fixes, instant results and immediate rewards but when we find ourselves on a spiritual journey and we’re awakened to a higher calling, we’d understand that the universe operates on a different time table. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep good attitude while waiting. The tests of patience is perhaps one of the most challenging lessons in one’s spiritual path. Especially now where technology has made us accustom to getting results almost instantly. The universe sends delay not as a punishment but as a training ground for life’s inherent unpredictability each delay serves as a lesson, a moment for you to realize that life’s do not always conform to your plans, which isn’t a negative thing perhaps an opportunity for growth. This is a question from the universe that nudges us if we are willing to wait or hang up for what we truly desire.
  3. The Test Of Faith: This is the stage where everything falls apart around you. In our life journey there a moments where we feel like the universe has placed us in the angle of hardship, striking us relentlessly until we feel like we cant take it anymore, these are the times where our faith is being stretched to it’s limit. When the very core of our being is shaken, we might believe that something’s gone terribly wrong but what if it’s all part of a spiritual test? It is in these moments that our faith is not just being examined, but also strengthened. It is easy to have faith when everything’s going so perfectly well, but the real faith is keeping that faith when one’s erupted in darkness. In this phase where your faith is been tested, many fail to discern whenever the universe is testing their faith. However some may be victims of dark powers evidently lurking around their lives, distracting them and blinding them from acknowledging that they're been manipulated. My spiritual walk and work thus far with God has created a more powerful role not just in spiritual rank but also in protection and direction. I acquired all my spiritual knowledge, power, direction by the virtue of patience. Patience is highly required if you want to master the keys to the kingdom, whereas there's no patience it creates space for spiritual minority. When there's a minority, there's a supremacy and authority of strongholds and negativity. So ultimately, you need to learn more about spirituality, staying far from people's promiscuity and drawing near to the creator's security in other to achieve this basicity.

I hope this message blesses you my dear friend. I remain my humble self, Bazzy Francis and until next time, I'd speak to you again soon.

Sending you so much love and light. ????

Patrick Ramsdell

Home health naturopathic focused nurse

1 年

Yes brother this is great knowledge! These 3 stages are what God gives us each, as tests to pass or fail when we are spiritually dead as unbelievers during our teenage years & touch & get attached to some demon who is attached to whatever we desired & reached out to eat, smoke or know sexually, which was lead by our flesh & the demons in our environments. So the 1st thing YaH must get us to do is detach from whatever physical person or drug or movie or place of thing we touched that killed our spirits & made us guilty of sin. Only if we complete this 1st stage when we are in the dark, will be be moved up to stage 2 & learn to wait for something else better, to remove that desire & need that we have. There is a waiting period when the Holy Spirit lets us circle around the trail in the dark & only if we wait & stay in the car on the track that will take us to having an encounter with our creator, can we progress in proper chronological order to stage 3 & become activated in faith which is the beginning of our new lives in the Spirit of God! Then Faith which works by love, moves up to Shaloam which is Peace, health, wealth, wholeness & prosperity on each of the remaining 9 levels. Only then can we get elevated to the next level!


Sales Associate at American Airlines

1 年

Great opportunity


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