The 3 Foundational Skills Every Great Coach Masters First
Corey Wilks, Psy.D.
Psychologist & Executive Coach helping entrepreneurs navigate fear, embrace authenticity, and build a values-aligned life and business. Exploring the intersection of human flourishing, entrepreneurship, and creativity.
Hey! Welcome to the first issue of the YFC Newsletter!
If you're a seasoned coach, today's issue will be a great refresher on the fundamentals.
If you're a newer coach, today's issue will help you develop a solid foundation of coaching skills to add to your repertoire.
Let's get started...
This Week's Article
You can’t throw a rock online without hitting about a dozen people claiming to be some kind of coach—life, executive, business, mindset, habits—the list is endless.
Calling yourself a coach is the new thing.
But 99% of “coaches” are supremely mediocre.
Anybody can coach.
But few do it well.
So why are there so many mediocre coaches out there claiming they can perform miracles for their clients?
Because great coaches make coaching look easy. So everyone thinks they can just slap “life coach” or “mindset coach” on their Instagram profile and start charging thousands of dollars without any real skills.
There’s a fluidity that all great coaches have spent years, decades, developing that makes their skills look effortless from the outside.
So if you want to rise above the flood of mediocre coaches, you have to develop the same fluidity.
There are tons of skills you’ll have to learn as a coach, so it can be intimidating when you’re trying to prioritize which skills to focus.
Luckily, I’ve distilled the three critical skills every great coach masters first, so you can start practicing and developing these skills in your own coaching practice to become a world-class coach.
Let's dive in...
YFC Community Wins
When was the last time you joined a community where you could influence the direction of it?
Well we just had our Community Kickoff Call for the YFC Community and something amazing happened...
I announced our first community challenge would be learning to build an online course based on the coaching frameworks you're already using.
Because it's what I thought they needed.
But when I asked the YFC Community members, they said something else would be even more valuable to them right now...
Refining their core offer and frameworks as a coach.
So we put it to a vote!
And now, our first community challenge will be Creating Your Core Offer as a coach.
Here's what to expect for the challenge:
Over the course of several weeks, you’ll learn how to clarify, refine, or redefine your Core Offer—the main “thing” or transformation you want to be known for (at least for this next season for you as a coach).
You’ll learn strategies to define who you help, what you help them do, how you help them do it, and why you’re the coach to work with for this.
We’ll cover topics like building your own coaching frameworks, naming your offer, communicating the value proposition to potential clients, and much more.
Think of this like a mini-masterclass in personal branding, offer creation, and creating a truly valuable service for your ideal clients.
Here's the format for the challenge:
Each week, I’ll release several modules with concepts, strategies, and exercises to help you craft your Core Offer.
These will be self-paced to fit your busy schedule.
We’ll have check-in posts throughout the week where everyone shares their progress, asks questions or request feedback, and gives feedback to your Fellow Coaches.
Then we’ll have a weekly live call to go more in-depth with discussions and make sure everyone’s getting what they need to craft their Core Offer.
At the end of the challenge, we’ll have a Show and Tell-style session where everyone shares their Core Offer with the community.
This is why I founded the YFC Community.
It's for coaches, by coaches.
We already have 17 members in the community within the first week of launch!
If you're a coach looking for a community to help you level up your business, join the YFC Community today!
Our first Community Challenge kicks off next week (April 8th), so join today to connect with a community of incredible coaches and craft your Core Offer with us!