3 Film/TV Quotes You Can Apply Today - Naked Leader week
3 Film/TV Quotes You Can Apply Today…
…In your organisation, teams and projects
3rd Place:
TV Series – The Blacklist – Season 1 Episode 8
Raymond Reddington: “I have no interest in cases that I have no interest in”
Apply: If you want the best outcomes then ensure people work on stuff they care about, enjoy doing and want to do. If you don’t want the best outcomes, then don’t.
And…Check out the complete soundtrack of The Blacklist on Spotify.
2nd Place:
TV Series – Breaking Bad – Season 4 Episode 6
Walter White - “I am the one who knocks”
Apply: Choose, don’t chase, your Clients, with an offer – an invitation - so irresistible they will answer your ‘knock’ with a yes. If they don’t it will be their loss, not yours.
IMO: Breaking Bad has one major flaw – after seeing it nothing else comes close!
1st Place:
Film – Bridget Jones Diary
Mark Darcy to Bridget Jones - “I like you, very much, just as you are”
Apply: Actively encourage people to bring their real selves – strengths, passions and genius -to work - your future success depends on it.
Thank You Bridget! - This was the single quote that inspired The Naked Leader book and has been our cornerstone over the last 25 years.
Question: What is your favourite TV/Film/Elsewhere quote that you can apply in you organisation, teams, or life?
With my love and best wishes
And to hear David narrating this week's article, just follow the link here: https://youtu.be/2sGyZ6Fs9ss