3-Facebook Targeting Hacks That Will Lower Your Cost Per Lead

3-Facebook Targeting Hacks That Will Lower Your Cost Per Lead

Video Transcript:

how’s going Paul Corral here and in this video I’m going to be showing you a three-step Facebook ad targeting hack that’s gonna lower your cost of acquisition allow you to ROI on the front end while everybody else is losing their freaking mind.

Okay, so we all know you know in the past year or so costs of advertising on Facebook have gone up to

three, four hundred percent from what they used to be and for a lot of people it could very well end their business if they’re overly committed to Facebook as their sole advertising platform if their margins aren’t beefy enough.

If they don’t have a mature product suite this could spell the end or for those who are selling a high ticket enough product while many of them are probably thinking right now well we just have to accept smaller margins while advertising through this media and I don’t think that’s true.

I don’t think that’s true I mean true Facebook has updated the algorithm they really want to protect their user experience and of course everybody else and their dog is realized that Facebook’s got the hottest ad product on the internet right now so more competition is coming in and then these two things combined is what’s caused this crazy rise in cost of acquisition.

But wouldn’t it be nice if you can get your acquisition down it’s probably it probably not gonna go down to where it was you know, three to five years ago right but get your cost of acquisition back down to

where you can profit on the front end, really scale your ads and grow like you could a year or two ago you know while the rest of the competition is scrambling or straight up going out of business.

That would give you a huge competitive advantage! Okay so let’s talk about it real quick, it’s a three-step process that’s pretty straightforward…

Okay rather than going straight for the jugular right out of the gate, rather than  having some kind of low

barrier offer, lead magnet, something like that going out to huge broad audiences which is cost prohibitive now let’s start with an awareness focused campaign using video or content okay.

Optimizing for video views or putting long form written content out within the post itself or even having a clicks to website type campaign going to your blog content is a really good way to get in front of your broad audience.

Then you will be able to filter and segment down to only your ideal prospective client and do so

cheaply. These types of campaigns if I were to do views, engagement and clicks, are far more affordable to run to those broad audiences.

The beauty of this what you do here is your not going to monetize here you’re gonna build a custom audience okay now custom audience again is based on people that watch 50 percent of your video or people who engaged with your content, people who click through to your website right, you build this custom audience because if people are willing to watch that long, engage with your content then they are identifying themselves as people who are interested enough in your product to perhaps take advantage of your offer.

Right now you retarget this custom audience with your offer. And your offer can be something as simple as a lead magnet, it could be a low barrier offer, whatever you got right, whatever you’re doing right now that’s become cost prohibitive to market to a broad audience well that’s where this goes right.

So, you target broad audience here cheaply, they engage with your content right, they go into

your custom audience now they get the offer.

Now that right there is enough to lower people’s cost per acquisition down to acceptable ranges more often than not but it gets better okay!

Once you got these guys coming in here but you got enough people taking advantage of this offer enough people consume your content, you can create your good old look-alike audience!

You can base that look-alike audience again on people who engage with the content or better yet people who’ve actually taken you up on your offer if you have an existing database that’s a good way to go right because Facebook’s algorithm so good knows everything about knowing everything about everybody

they can just go out there take your existing client list or somebody who’s already consumed your content and identify other people in the market just like them.

Then you can start using that to send cold audiences to your offer and get cheaper opt-ins or build leads

cheaper than you could otherwise and use it for your content as well and it becomes more and more powerful over time right!

So those are your three steps, give this a shot okay if you have video upload video if you want to put content long-form content right in a post you can, definitely do that or if you want it if you have a blog you want to do clicks to website, do something like that.

You then install a pixel on your website so you can create a custom audience in the backend for your videos or engagement with your content.

You take that custom audience you target them with your lead generation offer.

Okay, then collect these people turn them into a look-alike audience then try it to cold traffic.

try it to content right, experiment with these three steps it’ll get your cost of acquisition down okay

so that you can see an ROI on your ad spend on the front end while your competition is having to defer that return on investment weeks or months down the road which gives you a massive advantage because of course you can just recycle that money right back into your ad spend to grow faster and gobble up more of the market.

All right, I hope you found that useful and if you did I think you’re really gonna love what we

have for you next!

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Thanks for watching we’ll see you next time.


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