3 Essential Steps To Building Extreme Wealth

3 Essential Steps To Building Extreme Wealth

It's time to let go of the idea that wanting to be wealthy is a bad thing. Wealth building goes FAR beyond dollars. Wealth is your health. Wealth is strengthening the relationships you create. Wealth is freedom to do, to be, to have and to choose. To align your spending with your belief systems and be part of causes you care about.

And in society, we're often taught that it's an "OR," not an "AND." That you have to take from someone, compete with someone, or sacrifice doing the right thing in order to make money. False.

You can be in the top 1% of earners AND of people giving back. You can be in the top 1% AND have millionaires on your team.

So, if you're ready to create extreme wealth in your business and life in a complete high-integrity way, understand that it hinges on these 3 core things:

A plan. So many people are unhappy, yet, when you ask them what would make them happy, they don't know! Your plan needs to be crystal clear. It needs to be something you can wake up and work toward every single day. Your plan needs numbers, and those numbers need to be reworked every single day. It needs to be so specific, that there’s TOTAL clarity around what you’re doing, why you're doing it, and how you’re going to get there.

Break the goal down into milestones. Break the milestones into daily actions. And stop obsessing over how far off the goal is! Instead, celebrate how far you've come. The home I just bought was a goal I've been working toward for over a DECADE! Realize that things don't happen overnight. Be conscious of the decisions you make today, and align your life and business to support the outcomes you envision for yourself.

A path. The pathway is the vehicle that'll help you accomplish those goals and dreams. People in business often have false expectations of the hard work required to build wealth, and so they never do. I mean, is there anything in the world that's worth anything that isn't hard? NO! One of the biggest mistakes you can make on your journey is to stop running the drills and building the skills. I see entrepreneurs come out swinging, and when they have their first "bad" launch, they start to question everything. "This is too hard." "I can't make this work for me." The excuses go on and on.

Guess what? That's a dream down the tubes. You can’t measure your success each day based on where you aren't yet. You have to measure it based on the progress your making. And sometimes that progress happens slower than we’d like, but remember: you're either making progress or you aren't.

Perseverance. Perseverance is the make or break, and I'm not just talking about perseverance in the day to day -- it goes beyond just doing the work. I'm talking about having discipline over TIME. Discipline to reinvest in the growth of your business versus things that'll never move you toward your dreams. Being conscious of where your money AND mindset is going, and acting in alignment with those dreams at any given time. Making the choice to be unstoppable every single day. Not allowing your energy to go bad. Because let's face it: if you're forcing yourself to go through the motions, but your mindset isn't right, none of the tactics or strategies even matter.

So, ask yourself what support systems you need to make sure you aren't just checking boxes with an attitude that'll never get you results. I've worked with people in various capacities throughout my entrepreneurial journey, and I work with 2 to 3 coaches of my own at any given time. Why? Because I know I can't do it all on my own.

Moral of the story: it doesn't matter what your life looks like today. If you commit to the plan, the pathway, and the perseverance, in 3, 5, or even 10 years from now...your life will be unrecognizable.

Rosa Ponce de Leon

Building bulletproof work cultures and resilient teams through small business consulting, leadership training, and executive strategy.

3 年

Agree! Part of being a great leader is sharing the wealth with your team, however that may look for them.


