3 Essential Features for an Artificial Intelligence Chat Bot
Starting from invention of computers, many researchers have imagined how human tasks can be performed by machine in an efficient and reliable manner. Many has succeeded in developing Turing Machine where trade off between the tasks performed by human and machine is implemented. The hardware chips are being invented with better capability to perform tasks with more and more complexity and power. The invention of chat bots lays foundation for better connectivity, performance and capability. There are three essential features for a chat bot with artificial intelligence, which are namely responsive, progressive and agnostic.
Responsive : Creator and Creations
A chat bot with artificial intelligence should be able to respond to user’s query in such a way that user gets appropriate feedback in a closed loop. The feedbacks are like enabling the user to talk to the chat bot so that identity is preserved and protected from being stolen by unauthorized users. The creator should have right to have copy left of his creation i.e. the chat bot. The free and open source software for the chat bot should be developed such that no brain drain happens in the complete framework of user and the chat bot.
Progressive : Time and Space
If we want to reach a decision of whether a chat bot should allow the user to progress the conversation in a win-win manner then we are in the right track to implement the chat bot. The win-win behaviour of a chat bot lets users to think and act in a pragmatic way that leads to better understanding and awareness. The time-space framework is a conglomerate to scale the attributes of the chat bot to a higher altitude and dimension. The difference between a living and an inert object should be highlighted in such a way that no hijack of information, privacy and security happens for any user.
Agnostic : Heaven and Earth
Since pre-historical time human started believing in God so that a prayer to him comes naturally to wish a prosperous future for himself. There are many uncertainties in this world while navigating through the earthly and mundane prospects but that ignites the passion in him for a better survival in this world. The connection between human and God is both at the superficial as well as deeper way. It manifests in the doable things found around the human and his close allies on this planet. Therefore a chat bot should allow the user to behave in such way that it let the user to get empowered if not dominated.
The three pronged features or attributes of a chat bot should allow an human to interact and to get involved in a conversation that is not a burden for him. The user should be allowed to get answered of his queries from the chat bot so that he can add value and purpose to the tasks performed by him as well as the chat bot.