The 3 Es & 3 Cs
Inspired by Ongky Hojanto, a young popular trainer in Public Speaking, Story Telling and Book Writing in the Indonesian language, since becoming familiar with his style of opening a speech, or starting his short informative articles by quoting famous people’s saying, I am thrilled following his style. Recollecting famous quotes or finding quotes written or spoken by well-known people is refreshing one’s mind. Recently I found and then copied Tony Robbins, the world re-known motivator quote: “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited of what could go right.” This quote is so profound in inspiring of moving ahead, despite facing the current difficulties. Another quote from a lady, Madam Estee Lauder: “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it” is the right way to gear my younger business colleagues not to dream to become successful, but one should really worked to achieve it; while success is actually a process not the end of a goal.
Ongky’s age is as old as my youngest son, a millennial, who has built his career as a popular public speaking trainer from scratch, has given me value in training Business English topics. One of his students, Yanto Mulyadi, an insurance sales director, who called Ongky as his guru is the person who actually encouraged me to conduct online training, as the pandemic worsened in 2020. I therefore contacted Ongky Hojanto, whom I knew him since 2018, then I found out more exciting ways on conducting seminars and training by Zoom. He created funny but meaningful abbreviated phrases (in Indonesian) so that his students or managers and directors participants in his seminars could remember or retain the important steps on topics that he presented. The way he would like helping participants to memorize as well as to practice what they have learned from his seminars is actually academically based. He referred to the Bloom Taxonomy, wherein this famous Education Psychologist described that ”remembering” is the foundation which can be developed into higher stages to understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, to shine out at the top to creating something more meaningful deeds.
While opening a speech or a seminar revealing a famous quote is a common practice when attending a seminar or a training session, the way Ongky set his rules so that participants will get the utmost value of his training when starting his seminar he always would like his participants to follow the rules. Again, he likes to present it in a funny and easy to remember way. He likes giving tips by numbering the sequences. I was helped by Ongky to set the rules for participants which I’m now in the middle of promoting my Business English Communication in Plain English online training classes. I am excited to present the rules of the 3 E s: Enthusiast, Engaged, and Enlist. Participants should be enthusiastic following my online classes; participants must be fully engaged, meaning take active participation, and participants should list down the important new vocabulary, new phrases, tips to help to better understand the English language, participants are encouraged to jot down, underline or type on their laptop or any digital devices, guide lines or synonyms as well as other valuable notes.
Attending or conducting skills trainings are not just only a-one-off event, according to Ongky there must be following sequences. Therefore, a “Learning Journey” must be designed. Again, this is a specific way on conducting a responsible training program. I have adapted this style of Learning Journey by formulating the 3 C s: building “Confidence”, encouraging to be “Creative”, to attain that business partners as well as stake holders becoming “Convinced” on any business action as the actions are communicated in clear, plain, simple language. That is what communication stands for: to build mutual understanding!
(Ludwig Suparmo – Strategic Communication Specialist; Lead Trainer: Crisis, Issue & Risk Management; Compliance Management; Business English Communication in Plain English)?