3 Easy Habits to Help You Achieve the Success You Desire (According to 5-Year Study)
Flourishing Workplace
Building Cultures That Support Overall Wellbeing, Sustain Psychological Safety, and Strengthen Organizational Outcomes.
Abe Brown, MBA
Your dreams matter. You deserve to live the life of your dreams. However, many of us hold on to faulty assumptions that keep us poor. And in order to break free and live the life of your dreams, it requires you to let go of these assumptions and step into the life you’re meant to live. But that then leads us to the question: What assumptions are keeping us poor? And how can we break them? Well, I’ll tell you what, the main assumption many people seem to believe is…
Assuming That Success Is Not About Habits
The Science on this is clear: As much as 95% of everything we do is not governed by conscious thought. But rather, it is determined by our habitual or subconscious thoughts. That means that most of what we do is not something we’re proactively thinking about. Instead, the “thought process” is taking place subconsciously.?
So if most of what you do is subconscious, the question now becomes: How can you change your subconscious
Because here’s the deal…
If you can change your subconscious, you can change your habits. And if you can change your habits, you can change your life. But what are some of these habits you can engage in? Well, there is a guy named Thomas Corely who spent 5 years studying both successful and unsuccessful people.?
And he discovered several pillars of the self-made wealthy. Now, there are over a dozen habits Corely identified; however, we’ll be covering the 3 most important habits in this article.?
1. They Spend At Least 30 Minutes Daily In Career-Related Learning
You might say, “I don’t have the money to go to Harvard.” Hey neither do I. But could you take 30 minutes a day reading articles like this? Or watching videos that can accelerate your career
And the only problem with that is it comes with many distractions such as Netflix, social media, etc. And look, I’m not anti any of that stuff. But the question you should ask is: Is the entertainment you’re engaging in the best use of your time?
2. They Focus On Their Health And Fitness
Another habit of these self-made wealthy people was that they were healthy. Now, that doesn’t mean they were fitness fanatics. They weren’t in the gym 3 hours a day 7 days a week. However, they did make their fitness a priority. And they looked like 4 workouts a week (at least) for about 30 minutes each workout.?
And Thomas found that made all the difference because when you work on your physical health, it also connects to your emotional and mental health. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve felt depressed, discouraged, or skunked. But once I hit the trail for 5 to minutes, all of a sudden I begin thinking clearly.?
Movement can shift your mindset
3. They Put Effort Into Their Relationships With Quality People
Here’s the problem with relationships when you’re poor: relationships become a transaction. Many times these relationships only get rekindled when someone in either party needs/wants something.? But in Thomas’ research, he found the wealthy were much more proactive in terms of their connections. They were reaching out and spending time in healthy relationships.?
The late great Jim Rohn said it like this:
“If you show me your 5 closest friends, I can show you your destiny.”
And I have seen that over and over again in my own life. Birds of the same feather will always flock together. But when you elevate your circle
What’s Next? Start Your Flourishing Journey Today!
Success is simply a matter of finding the right actions to take, and then repeating those actions over and over until they yield the results you’re looking for. And here at Certified Flourishing Coach, we want to give you the roadmap for your action plan for success
About the Author
Abe Brown, MBA, CMCT, CPHSA is the Coach’s Coach, and is an Entrepreneur, Professional Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, and High-Performance Leadership Coach. He is the founder of Certified Flourishing Coaching?, the Flourishing Life Coaching Program?, and Flourishing Workplace. Abe is also the author of the Certified Flourishing Coaching? Programs. is the Coach’s Coach, and is an Entrepreneur, Professional Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, and High-Performance Leadership Coach. He is the founder of Certified Flourishing Coaching?, the Flourishing Life Coaching Program?, and Flourishing Workplace. Abe is also the author of the Certified Flourishing Coaching? Programs.
Yes! Success all starts in your mindset. Our mental health is more important than most people think ??