3) Digital Marketer
...For The (Very Unique) Chinese Market
Digital Marketer: Job Description
A Digital Marketer is a professional responsible for planning, implementing, and managing online marketing strategies and campaigns to promote a company’s products or services in the digital space. Their role involves utilizing various digital channels, such as websites, social media, email marketing, search engines, and online advertising, to reach and engage with target audiences. Digital Marketers often use data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize marketing efforts.
Digital Marketer: China-Specific Attributes
Let’s start out by saying that China has a (mostly) different internet. That includes search engines, e-commerce sites, social media apps, SaaS business tools, and even Networking and HR platforms. Now that we have that cleared up, the rest of this breakdown is really just riding that wave. You need a marketer in China on two fronts:
Not convinced yet? Here are some more great reasons a company might hire a Digital Marketer in China:
China Digital Marketer: Summary
In summary, companies in China hire Digital Marketers to leverage the immense digital opportunities the market offers. These professionals help companies establish a strong online presence, reach their target audience, and adapt marketing strategies to the unique characteristics of the Chinese digital landscape.
Check out our full list of key jobs to outsource to China in the modern era.
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