Pranita Salunke
Corporate Wellbeing & Ergonomics advisor | Stress management & Health- Energy Optimisation | Workplace inclusion and Neurodiversity Specialist
Optimum Health is a birth-right for all individuals. We must be empowered by the right knowledge and support to make an educated decision on how we can care for our bodies and overall wellbeing. Over the years, many celebrities and books have tinted the word detox. From cabbage only diet, grapefruit diet, Atkins diet, no-carb diet, a celebrity?hyped cayenne pepper-lemon juice-maple syrup-water diet and newer diets coming up to further ruin the word ‘detox.
Importantly, detoxing has been the well-established practice in ancient medicine including Ayurveda and naturopathy for more than centuries, for longevity and optimum health and happiness.
We do have to critique, the media-hyped negative information about detox.
Together let's bust at the 3 myths related to detox.
Myth no. 1 – We don’t need ‘detox’:
Many allopathy medical practitioners are against the word ‘detox’, informing their patients?the body has its own in-built detoxification system, with its ability to remove toxins and unwanted chemicals from the body.
However, you may agree that with the evolution of mankind and the emergence of technology we live in a much more polluted world, surrounded by chemicals which We consume through water, air, food, skin while living a much more sedentary life as compared to our ancestors. Of course for them, our innate detox system may have been working perfectly.
However, the lifestyle of the current modern world demands additional practices for detoxifying,??getting rid of the body of certain toxins.?So that we have a clear space for nourishing our body with real food and water.
Myth no. 2: Over-indulge now and go on detoxing later!
You may have seen (or done) over-indulgence during holidays like Christmas, easter, or while on vacation! Only to make new years resolutions, detoxing and working on your health.
Interestingly, many such resolutions do not last more than one month, until, life demands rise or another temptation present themselves in front of you, like your best friends wedding.
Unless the transformation does not happen INSIDE, outside measures will give limited and sometimes harmful results.
Real health is about taking small consistent steps, changing your outlook and identity rather than going through the cycle of binging and starving.?
Myth no. 3- A detox involves a specific, restrictive diet for the long term.
Sometimes a personal lifestyle and failing health condition can demand restricting certain food for a short period of time. However, in general, detox is no way about focusing on :
Juice only, celery or protein only diet for many weeks and months. In fact, it causes more harm than good to our bodies. Restricting a specific food group puts a strain on our body energy system which has forced itself to bring energy from other sources such as muscle and stored healthy fat in our body. Long term implications of which can be more detrimental, such as osteoporosis, fatigue and damaged mental health.
Instead focus on working with a practitioner, who can guide you to navigate from a short term specific diet to incorporating wholesome healthy food along with a positive lifestyle and outlook.
Focusing on inner and outer transformation requires making the foundation. Detoxing our body with natural measures and real food helps to create that foundation so that we can enjoy, longevity, energy and happiness!
Want to know more about my Vital approach to detox and optimum health?
Simply, send a message [email protected]??to schedule a session to discuss your unique needs.