3 Decisions that CEOs Need to Think of RIGHT NOW

3 Decisions that CEOs Need to Think of RIGHT NOW

Since a while now, we have been talking a lot about a lot of things and especially about sales being one of the most important business functions. Today, moving a little away from routine sales related discussions, we are going to talk about some of things regarding decisions that chief executive officers of almost every company needs to think of as quickly as possible. Let’s talk about it in brief.

As the world news and business world gets more and more anxious about potential as well as perceived economic slowdown across the economies and industries, CEOs need to give few things a serious thought before reaching any concrete opinion, decision or strategy. Which are those things? Are they going to impact company’s fortune in the face of potential slowdown?

1.      Talent Capital Decisions:

While fear of uncertainty is taking over minds and pushing them far away from creativity and out of box thinking, companies need to be damn sure about who they let in. CEOs need to be ‘actively participating member’ of hiring teams. Why I say that is now is the time when you have to value in return of each penny you spend on a human resource. I completely understand that performance is the result of a lot of variables coming together to have synergistic impact. However, now all that CEOs need to think of is hiring only those who are competitive enough to match up with ever-changing work of nature, financial capabilities of company, tools and assistance, etc. Having such people in your team gives you courage and hope to face every problem with enough support, efficiency and ability.

2.      Customer Related Decisions:

Now is the time where tranquil markets can turn into cut-throat competition in blink of eye and you can’t see it coming before it appears right in front. CEOs must attempt to enhance each and every service that they provide to customers. I understand that changing product specifications or making modifications in product related features is one of the most vulnerable decisions one could reach at this time. However, service is something what customer always recalls, in both the cases including negative experience and delightful experience. Improving services provided by company to customers may help companies and businesses to stand out in many. Also, CEOs are the ones who can inspire their teams and members to do more in terms of service with minimum level of increase in terms of expenses.

3.      Financial Decisions for 2019 and ahead:

According to my humble opinion, CEOs must think about what they are investing in right from this moment. They need to make sure that their company is only talking about enhanced productivity. For this it might take them investments in areas such as cross-functional training, increased responsibilities, improved employee engagement programs, advanced technology tools which shall lead to higher productivity and more. This might help them in using the available amount of finances in very effective manner where lot of their competitors are expected to suffer. 

So, while we think of something new again start being prompt and eliminate procrastination right away. Till then, Gracias!??

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Author Bio: Kaustubh Arun Athalye is a Young Indian talent filled with perseverance, adaptability, linguistic skills and will to chase dreams. He is working as Senior Content Writer and Human Resources Manager in a growing market research start-up from Pune, India known as Qurate Business Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. His approach towards learning, optimism, positivity, and belief in values makes him stand different in the crowd.


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