The 3 Day Weekend - Finance says No
Finance Transformation Consulting
Providing Consulting, Research & Training Services
Its been a very busy week and I have 3 Top Class Stories to share with you all but first let me touch upon the Future of Work. On my travels this week a regular topic of debate has been the introduction of the 4 Day Week. Now I know as Finance Transformation specialist I am but a mere novice at Marketing but surely 'the 3 Day Weekend' would have more chance of sealing the deal?
After trials last year many Companies are exploring the 4 Day Week and every workplace cynic has promptly issued the rebuttal that the employer will expect more for less. Now I can't comment on whether a 4 Day Week means you get 20% less Salary, does it? If you know definitively please Comment below.
However, from my perspective self employed and having to hustle to win work, do the marketing, meet the 'Press' and then actually do the work, I lost sight of a 5 day week some considerable time ago. I suspect many of you reading this did to.
However, that is not what concerns me, what concerns me is that somebody has come up with an idea to remove Working Day 5 (WD5)!!! This is absolute heresy. Not one single Financial Controller contributed to this decision. Introduce the 4 Day Week if you so choose but kindly accept that your Finance team will not be working WD5, not that weekend that forms the Bridge to WD6, oh no, rethinking this now aren't ya?
You could argue that the panacea of Technological advance will bridge the gap and churn out the finished article by 5pm on WD1, its AI after all. Well, I wouldn't want to planning Barcelona away for WD5 on the strength of that. The 4 Day Working Week, tysk, I ask ya who dreamt that up?
The Finance alternative is quite simple we will all not work the 3rd week, now that has some logic to it, some actually thought process, not just a catchy title. I will leave that with you.
For my thoughts on the Consulting Market please read:
For my complimentary thoughts on the Future of Finance, check out:
And for my brilliant match Report on Ireland v England coupled with PwC Hybrid working announcement check out:
I hope you enjoy them all and check out the new Podcast.
Best Regards,