3 Customer Feedback Tools We Use At Leverify
Having your finger on the pulse of your customer is extremely important if you want to build a business that lasts. This allows you to get out in front of problems that could lead to churn, gives you the insights needed to build a product roadmap that your customers want, and helps define what customer profile your sales team should be targeting.
One of the most ubiquitous customer feedback tools/metrics has been the NPS score. While this can be helpful as it gives you a benchmark to measure your company against other companies across industries, it doesn’t give you much actionable insight. That’s why when we send out customer feedback surveys, we try to ask open ended questions allowing our customers to have a channel to express their feedback with no limiting factors. The best tool for this we’ve found is Typeform. They’ve built a beautiful interface that reflects the type of brand we want to be. They also throttle the amount of questions the user sees at one time so they are not overwhelmed by seeing twelve questions pop up and drop off. Additionally, they integrate into our CRM so we can turn the feedback into actionable campaigns. An added bonus is that they provide a lot of templates and best practices so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
One of the toughest groups of people to get feedback from are potential customers. Oftentimes they come and go like ships in the night and they don’t leave a trace. Whether they buy from you or not, they have a ton of valuable information and feedback to be collected. One of the biggest channels our potential customers learn about us is on our website. For a long time, I’d been watching our google analytics numbers and seeing all of these website visitors, tracking their time on our site, etc. but none of it provided me any actionable insights. That’s when I found Hotjar. They have a small snippet of code that starts tracking your visitors movements on your website and creates heat maps and recordings of their sessions. This has allowed us to learn how our potential customers are using our site — are they reading our blogs? Are they taking a look at our pricing? Do they close the tab after they look at our pricing? All of these data points inform our digital strategy and where to pour our resources.?
Here at Leverify, we’re suckers for the latest and greatest new tech tool, especially when it comes to improving our customer feedback. However, sometimes the best tool to get a pulse on your customers is the old fashioned method of picking up the phone or sending an email to your customer. This is our primary way that we collect customer feedback. It allows us to build rapport and loyalty at the same time we’re gaining valuable insights. Hubspot, our CRM, allows us to do this in an intelligent way. We track the amount of times we’re getting feedback from our customers so we’re not overloading them. More importantly, it allows us to be notified of who to reach out to so customers don’t slip through the cracks. A couple examples of this would be when a customer gets onboarded we can touch base with them on how that process went, or before a renewal is coming up we can proactively reach out. These touch points allow us to course correct and iterate in order to create the best customer experience possible.?
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