3 Core values of your business or product
It is only 3 core values to concentrate to make your business successful. First one it is affection. It is feelings what customer have before buying and after buying. Second is psychological. It is knowledge about your business or mental image. And last one it is instincts. It is usually when people do something again and again. In business case, it is when your customer will be visiting your business repeatedly. To make customer to experience good feelings about your product you need to tell everyone about your product. And the thing is here, if product is good, the other people who spread knowledge about your product will do the job for you. But...you need always somewhere communicate about your product, otherwise it will be slowly promoted. It is best strategy to get into people minds, especially if someone who already tries your product/service have positive image about your business. Concentrate on this 3 core values and you make your business to get noticed by others. Be open to get negative feedback and never not run from it, because it is indication of your personality. Usually person who have high knowledge of processes accept criticism. Be the open personality. Know your value. Know who with you in any process of your business and who against you. Don't resist to changes. The burning flame of success starts from you.